Chapter two

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Techno POV

Tommy just stared at the food, Phil coughed to get my Attention , i looked at him and he slighly pointed to tommy who has been staring at his food for 5minutes now.

,,Tommy are you okay?" I ask him worried

,,I-im not h-hungry..." he said looking away from the food

,,really? Are you sure? Or do you not like pancakes?" I asked , Phil just sat there silent and let me talk to tommy.

I picked up the fork with some food and started feeding him slowly , i was suprised when he let me feed him but phil wasnt , he smiled and looked back at the TV.

After 10minutes Tommy had eaten half of the pancake and when I wanted to feed him more he looked away

,,Not hungry anymore?" He looked back at me and nodded

,,Alright" i put the fork and food back on the table , I relaxed and watched TV with tommy and Phil. Tommy was still nervous and a little scared but not as much as he was before.

,,What do you guys want to watch now?" Phil asked Tommy and Me after the movie we had watched was over

,,can we watch Moana?.." Tommy asked scared and we smiled

,,Of course" Phil put on Moana and Tommy started to smile.

I stared at the TV when i felt someone leaning on me , i looked besides me and saw Tommy , he looked at me and just said

,,hands away please" i just did what he said and he sat down on my lap leaning his head against my chest , i put my arms aroumd him and looked back at the TV smiling.  NOT A SHIP , EWW (IM NOT HOMOPHOBIC BUT THAT WOULD BE JUST WEIRD)

No ones POV

Tommy yawned after 10minutes

,,You should go to sleep Mate, you can sleep in Technos or my room if you want" Phil smiled at Tommy , Tommy hid his head more in Technos chest

,,i wana stay...if thats okay..." he said while cuddling more onto Techno

,,Of course thats okay , but try to get some sleep" Techno said while smiling and Tommy nodded while yawning again.

After some time he fell asleep on Techno

,,I will go to sleep , you should go to mate" Phil said while standing up

,,yea your right" Techno stood up careful with tommy in his arms. They turned the TV off and went in their rooms after saying Goodnight. (I forgot to mention that Wilbur isnt with them for now because hes with his girlfriend)

The next Morning Techno woke up and felt someone on his chest , he careful sat up and accidently woke the little blond boy up.

,,Sorry Tommy ,i didnt mean to wake you" Techno said while going though Tommys hair careful with his hand

,,Its oki" Tommy smiled and sat up too.

,,Techno?..." Tommy looked sad now

,,What is it tommy? Are you okay?" Techno really cared about that blond boy he just found. He loves him like he's his own son.

,,...can i... life with you?.." Techno looked shocked at Tommy

,,Of course you can , where else would you stay"

,,I-i dont want to... end in the forest again..." Tommy looked on the ground and Techno put a hand on Tommys shoulder , Tommy looked back at him and he looked serious

,,Tommy. I wont EVER leave you in a forest or somewhere else! I promise" Techno smiled and so did Tommy.

They had  really nice day , they had a nice calm walk , Tommy went hunting with Techno and Tommy learned that Phil had wings too.

Tommy fell asleep on Techno again in the Evening , Techno layed down in his bed with Tommy

,,Good night Theseus.." Techno called  him that for some reason no one knows.

,,Good night... dad.." Tommy said while cuddling more onto Techno again. Techno smiled and from that day on Tommy was Technos son.

Sorry that this chapter wasnt that long!

My Little phoenix that I regret leaving for so Long (Dadnoblade)Where stories live. Discover now