Chapter ten

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They have been walking for four days now,  with a few stops at other villages of course , Tommy didnt message anyone that they would come so it would be a suprise. Now they were at a village getting food and it wouldnt take long till they would be in l'manburg so that scared Tommy a  bit

,,Clementine? you alright?" Tommy aksed worried , clementine walked next to him with a sad face and Tommy didnt like that to much

,,what if they dont like me?" she asked and Tommy picked her up

,,dont worry they will love you , I promise" Tommy said and she leaned her head on his shoulder

,,do you have storms leash? i dont want him to run away" clementine then asked and Tommy showed her the purple leash in his hand 

,,good" she said and Tommy chuckled.

 After two hours they were there.. infront of the ,Gates' of L'maburg , They walked over to Tommys old house and left the horse outside on leash of course so it wouldnt run away.

,,what are we doing here? i thought we're going to grandpa?" clementine asked and Tommy searched for something in his chests

,,yea we are, just had to look for my journal i left here" Tommy said and had a book in his hand , he opend it and sighed

,,i knew they would look inside of it" Tommy chuckled and closed it before holding clementines hand and they started walking to Phils house in l'manburg. 

,,this is my grandfathers house or was? it looks like he hasnt been here in awhile" Tommy mumbled when he looked around and saw how dirty it was

,,lets go to my dad than.. he should be there " Tommy shrugged and picked her up

,,want to fly?" he asked

,,yes! flying is nice!" she said and Tommy got his wings out , he flew up in the air and looked around that no one saw them. He wanted his family to be the first people to meed clementine and see him after so long.

 He started to fly to  Technos house and saw him , Phil and Wilbur standing outside so he landed in the forest behind a tree and let clementine down. 

,,Whos who?" she asked looking to them

,,the one with pink hair is your Granpa , my dad Techno. The one with blond hair is Philza and the one with brown hair is Wilbur"Tommy explained and before he could do anything she ran up to them

,,clementine!- shit.." Tommy mumbled and slowly followed her

,,Granpa Techno!!" she yelled with a smile and ran up to them

,,what? Uhh-- bruh" Techno said and Phil laughed

,,sorry Mate ,i think you got the wrong people" he smiled at her

,,no , you'r Philza right? and they are Techno and Wilbur" she said pointing to them when saying their name

,,uh- yea?.." Philza then said 

,,clementine! i told you to wait for me!" Tommy ran up to them and picked her up

,,sorry dad" she giggled and Tommy sighed 

,,whatever , also here's storm" Tommy said and let her down giving her the leash for storm.

Tommy then noticed that his family stood there shocked and sighed

,,hey guys?" he said akward and Wilbur was the first one to hug him

,,Tommy! you were gone for five months and come back with a child!?" he asked and tommy laughed hugging him back

,,sorry that i didnt-" before he could contiune Wilbur let him go and Techno ruffled his hair 

,,you little gremlin. started to think you're dead" Techno said and Tommy laughed

,,nah , just flew around and found a child thats now like my daughter?" Tommy explained and techno sighed

,,never run away like that again Tommy." Phil now said

,,yea yea dont worry , also im only here so soon because she wanted to meet you" Tommy shrugged

,,so soon!? you were gone for five months! when did you plan to come back?!" Wilbur asked

,,in maybe two or three months" Tommy shrugged and now everyone was silent

,,what? i would have come back i swear!" Tommy said and they were still silent , then he noticed they werent looking at him but behind him so he turned around and was met with a slap in his face

,,ouch!!" Tommy said and fell to the floor out of shock

,,dad!" Clementine yelled and ran up to him , Tommy looked up and laughed when he saw who it was

,,Dream you green teletuby!!" Tommy said and stood up

,,dont worry clem , im okay" Tommy said and she held his hand scared someone would hurt him again

,,Tommy." Dream said and Tommy sighed

,,sorry dream , i should have told you-" before he could finish he was met with another hug like from his family

,,you idiot." Dream mumbled and Tommy smiled

,,i know i am" Tommy said 

,,good" Dream said and let go of him again

,,trust me thats not the only slap your getting today" Dream said

,,Yea yea, Tubbo a 100% slap me till he thinks its enough for leaving everyone" Tommy said and everyone around agreed. 

In the end Tommy got slapped by Tubbo like five times ,no one had noticed clementine till Tubbo was done slapping Tommy because Tommy had told her not to say anything till Tubbo was done with whatever he would do. She ran up to him and hugged him crying while yelling at Tubbo for hurting her ,dad' and of course he had to explain everything.

He explained why he ran away this time , how he felt , how he found clementine and why they have a fox with them but what he didnt tell them was that he injured his Wings and one of them was a bit broken now because he thought that didnt matter. What was important was that he was back home with his friends and family. 

You want to know how it contiuned? thats for you to decide i'd say :) This is like a open end i would say , i hope you liked this story! i first didnt want to upload it because i started this before Technos death but i decided to still keep him in my storys because he was/is my Hero and will never be forgotten. May our king rest in peace :) please stay safe and have a nice day/afternoon/evening or whatever! <3

My Little phoenix that I regret leaving for so Long (Dadnoblade)Where stories live. Discover now