Chapter Four

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Tommy learned how to fly with Phils help , and learned how to fight with Techno. They were a happy family but that changed when Tommy betrayed Techno. Techno had screamed at Tommy that day

,,Your going back to the people that exiled you!?... You know what!? DONT CALL ME DAD EVER AGAIN! YOUR NO SON OF MINE!" Was what he screamed. Tommy broke in tears everytime he remebered that.

Everyone knows what happaned and the ones that were against L'manburg felt bad for him. Yes they tried/did kill him once or twice but they now felt sorry for what they did.

They realised what they did to a little kid , and that the kid was traumatized since the age of nine when it all started.

,,Hey Dream?..." Tommy was on a Walk right now

,,What is it Tommy?"

,,You know my da- i mean.. you know Techno right?" Dream sighed ,Techno really did a number on him

,hes his kid if he likes it or not.' Dream thought and then answered

,,Yes i do , why?.."

,,Phil told me to tell you that he wants to see you tomorrow morning" Tommy stopped walking because they were infront of his own house now

,,Oh okay , thanks tommy. Good night!" Dream smiled

,,Good night Dream" Tommy smiled weakly back and walked in his house.

The next Morning Dream went to Techno and Phils house and knocked

,,Come in Dream , Techno is waiting for you in the living room" Phil said to him , Dream walked in sat down next to Techno

,,So? Why did you want to talk to me?" Dream asked

,,Dream , how is Tommy doing?"

,,Huh? Your asking ME how YOUR SON is doing? Just ask him yourself" Dream answered

,,Tommy is NOT MY SON!" Techno stood up and looked out the window

,,He is , even you dont like it."

,,Just tell me what he has been up to!" Techno looked at him

,I have an Idea! I will just say bad things about tommy and lets see what he will do' Dream thought to himself

,,Well to be honest i may feel bad for him but hes just a damn Cry baby. He litterly crys every night because of you. Hes annoying like always an-" before Dream could finish Techno held him in the air by his neck

,,Do NOT speak about him that way!!" Techno yelled and Dream coughed , Techno let him down

,,Ma gosh and you say he isnt your son. You sure?" Dream laughed

,,I was joking , hes not doing good. He crys every night because he misses you , everytime he talks about you he wants to say ,dad' but stops himself and says your name , and he also hides his wings because they remind him to much of the times he was with you!" Dream explained

,,Since when did you care for my- Tommy!"

,,You wanted to say ,my son' didnt you? Anyway. I realised what i did wrong the day you told him that he isnt your son anymore. We stopped the war and became friends , he forgave me and so did Wilbur , Wilbur lives with Sally and Fundy , Tubbo and Ranboo are married and have a son named Micheal and Tommy is in L'manburg with the others and isnt doing so well like everyone else. Everyone checks on him every once in a while. You would know that if you were there for him but your not and that only because he chose his best friend!" Dream yelled and walked to the door

,,Can you... let him know that i would like to talk with him one day?... whenever he has time." Techno said and Dream nodded

,,sure." Dream left and walked to tommys house

,,Dream!" Tommy ran up to Dream and hugged him

,,Wow tommy , why are you so happy today?" Dream hugged him back and then they started to take a walk

,,Purpled and me are official togheter!" Tommy smiled

,,Really?! Thats great Tommy! Im happy for you!" Dream said (i litterly have purpledinit in so many storys😂 i just like it man) 

,,Hey ehm Tommy.." Dream sounded serious


,,Techno told me to tell you he wants to talk to you whenever you have time" Dream said nervous , Tommy stopped walking


,,Tommy. Dont worry Phil will be there and so will I , i wont let you go to him alone" Dream smiled at him

,,No no... its okay. I - I will go to him tomorrow.. or in a week? I dont know.." Tommy said smiling nervous and Dream laughed

,,well he did say whenever you have time" Dream chuckled

,,Hey Dream?.." Tommy said with a small smile


,,Did i ever tell you that... I see you as my big brother... ever since the war ended and we all became friends you were always there for me... i think if you werent there for me i would be dead by now.." Tommy giggled and Dream hugged Tommy

,,your a good kid tommy.." Dream said and Tommy hugged back


My Little phoenix that I regret leaving for so Long (Dadnoblade)Where stories live. Discover now