Chapter six

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im sorry if there are any things in this story that dont make sense but my first language isnt english so i make many mistakes ;-; Also i do not really remember what i wrote here bc i started this story really long ago and im on chapter eight at the moment with a few writing problems so please feel free to maybe tell me if somethings written wrong or something so that i can learn more :) now enioy ig! xD

Techno gently made circles on Tommys back

,,You okay now?" He asked softly and Tommy nodded while his Eyes closed slowly. Techno smiled , Tommy opened his eyes again and looked sad

,,sorry..." he said so that Techno could hear

,,why are you saying sorry?" Techno went through tommys hair with his hand to calm him down

,,Because of my... voices... i-its all my fault!.." another tear left tommys face again and Techno wipped it away

,,Nothing is your fault tommy , i have them to and i know what its like.. thats why i gave you the crown , i know that it would stop the voices and calmed them down because it was the same for me. When i got them Phil was there for me but... i never knew you had them.." Techno said and sighed

,,Why didnt you tell me Tommy?... when did you get them?.." Techno looked at Tommy and Tommy hid his face in Technos chest and mumbled something

,,what? Sorry toms i couldn't hear you" , Tommy looked at Techno and then looked on the Floor

,,i got them... when I.. was... twelve..." Tommy said quiet but Techno could hear

,,Twelve!? why didnt you tell me Tommy!?" Techno said worried , Tommy calmed down and sighed

,,I thought you.. wouldnt care.." Tommy fake smiled

,,Theseus. of course i care! Your my son!" Techno said and Tommy stood up and walked to the window looking outside. Techno didnt stand up and just looked to tommy

,,Theseus... of course i care.."

,,I..." Tommy got a little angry at himself

,,I got them after i betrayed you! I didnt think you would care because no one does! Everyone always tells me Im annoying even when im trying my best to not be! I always try to be like everyone else but i cant change myself!! I-I just c-cant..!!.." Tommy had his Head in his Hands and cried again

,,Why am i always crying so much!? im so dumb! I-.... Why do i even life..." Tommy looked to Techno who was now standing and shocked , Tommy smiled at the thought of just dieing while crying

,,I should die.." he said and chuckled a bit

,,Theseus..." Techno slowly walked to him and hugged him , he had one Hand around Tommys chest to hold him and the other on behind Tommys head and gently went thought his hair again while Tommy cried on Technos shoulder again

,,Tommy... dont say anything... just listen to me.." Techno said and Tommy nodded

,,Tommy.. Your my son and that will never change , i will never stop loving you because i raised you and your important to me! Yes i did say it but i regret it , and dont you dare tell anyone you want to die thinking they wont care! Trust me... everyone cares , Dream even cares! " Techno said and Tommy cried more and hugged him thight

,,Why are you crying more now?.. did i say something wrong!? Whats wrong!? di-"

,,Thank you.." Tommy interupted Techno and wispered , Techno smiled

,,Of course Theseus... are you tired?" Techno asked nicely , Tommy thought about it and then nodded and said a small

,,yea.." Techno sat down on the bed and leaned on the wall , Tommy walked to the bed and just stood there not really knowing if Techno isnt going to hurt him , Techno pulled him into a hug and tommy was shocked at first but eventually he calmed down and they cuddled. Tommy fell asleep and Techno thought about what to do because of Tommys voices.

The next day Tommy was standing outside in the snow and  was thinking about many things like how to tell techno about his voices completly

just tell him how your voices are different from his! He's thinking about what to do to help you controll us!

Tommy chuckled after his favourite and most understanding voice said that , the voice was called Melohi.

,Thanks Melohi , i will!' Tommy said and chuckled again.

No Problem kid , im always here

,,Of course your always here , you cant just leave" Tommy giggled

,,What?" A voice from behind him said confused , Tommy turned around

,,Oh hey Da-Techno" Tommy said and Techno sighed

,,you can call me dad Tommy.." Techno smiled

,,im trying.. its just so.. dificult after everything that happened." tommy explained

,,i understand , now... about your voices.. i know wha-" before Techno could finish , Tommy interupted

,,My voiced are way different from yours , my voices are happy when im happy , sad when im sad and all the other stuff , if im having a panic attack one of my voices ,melohi, usually trys to take over my body while im in that state , he cant control himself when im like that so its not his fault. He can take over my body when i let him but i sleep for days after because it takes much energie to switch" Tommy explained while looking in the sky.

,,oh ehm- okay. So you spoke to your voice before i came?" Techno questioned

,,yea i did" tommy smiled

,,i have to go somewhere , i'll be back later" tommy smiled and techno nodded

,,alright" Techno said and tommy left.

My Little phoenix that I regret leaving for so Long (Dadnoblade)Where stories live. Discover now