Chapter seven

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Tommy often visited Techno and Phil but he didnt live with them. The voices sometimes told him things like

Their all faking it tommy

they hate you

their just faking it

dont trust them

Their fake

Tommy didnt really know who they mean but the voices always said that when he was with Techno and Phil so he thought they meant them.

It had been a few days since he last spoke to Phil and Techno again , he decided to just stay out of contact with them because he was doing better without them. When he didnt speak with Techno he was mentally okay , yes it hurt but still. And now that he was back in contact with Techno he was hurting , for some reason the voices wouldnt leave him and he didnt know why.

,,Tommy?" Phil knocked on his door

,,come in!" Tommy said and when Phil walked in he saw that Tommy was packing

,,why are you packing your things? Are you going somewhere?" Phil asked and sat down on the bed

,,just on a small trip" Tommy shrugged

,,when are you visiting u again? Been a few days mate" Phil asked and Tommy sighed

,,i dont know, maybe when i come back" Tommy said and Phil looked at him confused

,,ok? Techno is worried you wont come visit again for some reason" Phil chuckled

,,i will go now , see ya mate!" Phil said and left

,,bye.." tommy mumbled and sighed

When Tommy was done packing he thought about writing a letter so he did a short explanation

Hello who ever is reading this

Tommyinnit writing here..  I have decided to finally pack my things and go away. Im happy that there is no war anymore and that we're all friends now but i just cant stop thinking about what had happened. I was finally good with Techno again but it still hurts... everytime i visit him i just cant stop thinking about his words , I know many people say im worthless and im sure its true so im leaving now. This is my final goodbye to everyone , i loved every good moment with everyone but i think its time for a new start.                        Dont search for me.

your Tommy

When tommy was done writing he hang the letter outside on his door and left with his things. 

,sorry everyone.. its better to start new' thought Tommy and flew away

After flying for a bit Tommy landed at a Village , he hid his wings and sighed

,,cant believe i did that" Tommy mumbled chuckling and walked around 

a few days Later with Philza and Technoblade

Technoblade and Philza were both busy for the past few days and didnt think any of it that Tommy didnt come to visit. When it knocked they both thought it was Tommy but when Phil opened the door and let the person in it was Dream. 

,,Hey guys" Dream said with a nervous smile

,,hey dream, whats up?" Phil asked and they sat down on the couch/sofa

,,I found this on tommys door this morning... we didnt see him for a few days and thought he was just busy but when  i checked today i saw this letter" Dream sighed and gave the letter to Phil

Phil read the letter out loud and Techno and himself were both shocked

,,he left?" Techno asked 

,,looks like it , everyone  already knows about it and is searching for him" Dream explained 

,,stop them.." Techno said and stood up , he walked to the window and looked outside

,,what? why? Techno i thought hes you son. dont you care about him?" Dream asked and Techno sighed

,,he wrote ,dont search for me' didnt he? yes i care about him and hes my son but if he says that he doesnt want to be found for now then i will give him his space. He has his own life and im sure if hes ready or wants to he will come back"Techno explained

,,your right.. I will tell everyone to not search for him because he wrote that he doesnt want to be searched for.. bye guys" Dream said and left 

,,please tell me you're as worried as i am" Phil sighed

,,I am dont worry. I mean hes my son but he wants to start a new life so let it be like that" Techno sighed and Phil nodded

,,plus he has his voices so im sure they will protect him" Techno said

,,he has voices? what if they are like yours-"

,,tommy said they are different and i believe in him" Techno said and turend around to him smilling

,,alright than.." Phil sighed

I think this is one of the dumbest chapters i wrote yet and this will be the last one till i have an idea for the next chapter.

My Little phoenix that I regret leaving for so Long (Dadnoblade)Where stories live. Discover now