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Chongyun POV:

I felt my face instantly heat up as I felt his hand touch mine, but wait!

it got gayer!

Not only had he taken my hand but he chose the hand on the other side of my body, meaning he was practically laying on me!

I suddenly felt a little chuckle and I looked down to see the navy haired boy looking at me,

"Yun... go to sleep..." Xingqiu whispered sleepily,

"I- uh- Xingqiu you-"

"Shhhhh, your gonna wake me upppp!" I watched him relax again before smiling to himself slyly,

He knew exactly what he was doing.

It's hard to believe that I met this guy yesterday!

I accepted my fate and relaxed, allowing myself to fall asleep. I was gonna need it.


The next morning I woke up to find Xingqiu still laying on me, I didn't mind though since he was practically weightless, I looked over at the clock, 7am, perfect.

I gently shook Xingqiu so he would wake up and then I thanked him and ran home.

Shenhe never wakes up before 8am but I still had to be quick,

When I climbed in through my window I got dressed for school and then opened my bedroom door to see if she was awake, as I approached her door I could tell she was asleep since her breathing was soft and steady,

After that I returned to my room and flopped onto my bed, I was so tired, but then my alarm went off,

'7:30, go to the bus stop.'

I grabbed my bag and keys and left the house,

When I arrived at the bus stop I saw Xingqiu there,

"Oh hey," I smiled, waving at him, "What are you doing here?"

"Well, my family all went to this big event so none of the cars were available and the bus is my only option." He responded,

"That's unfortunate, wanna sit with me?"

"Sure, thanks." He smiled.

After a while the bus arrived and we went to the same seats we had gone to yesterday, not many liyue kids took the bus, just some emo looking guy, a pink haired girl, a few other people, Xiangling and us, usally I would sit with Xiangling but today she was sat with Xinyan instead, which was fine by me since she did that sometimes, I quite enjoy sitting alone actually but I preferred sitting with Xingqiu.

When we arrived at school the first lessons went by slowly and painfully, and before break I had english so I was next to Xingqiu,

"Hey, Xingqiu, where do you go at break and lunch?" I asked,

"Well... I usally just go to the library.." he replied,

"Oh, don't u sit with anyone? And you aren't allowed food in the library how do you eat?" I questioned,

"I don't usally eat at school and I don't have anyone to sit with so-"

"Come sit with me!" I interrupted,

"Really?!" He seemed surprised, which is strange considering we shared a bed last night, but I figured that I had been right to assume he didn't have many friends...

"Yeah come sit with us, and you really should get lunch."

"Thanks.. but I don't have any lunch money so I cant." He laughed dismissively, it was like he was trying to avoid getting lunch,

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