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Chongyun POV:

About a week had gone by since me and Xingqui had started dating, we told Bennett and Razor but nobody else, not because we didn't want to,

Just because it's none of their business.

I guess I am a little nervous though.. I mean I know alot of people think I'm emotionless and weird but I also know a lot of people also have a crush on me because of it... and I dont want anything bad to happen to Xingqui!

Although I don't consider myself 'popular' I also wasn't born yesterday, I have heard people talking in the halls and I have seen people staring at me... its quite frustrating.

And apparently Xingqui has seen it too.

Over the last week we have been doing basic couple things, like holding hands in public, going on dates, kissing and just all that stuff but it seems whenever we are holding hands and he hears someone talk about me he would tighten his grip, like he was afraid I was going to leave him..

Again. I wasn't born yesterday. I have noticed Xingqiu's abandonment issues, I mean I haven't seen his father speak to him since we met, or any of his family! He also said something about it one night when he was having a low spoon day, I guess all the thoughts just pulled him down and I'm glad he told me,

Whenever he tightens his grip on my hand I try to pull him a little closer or tighten my grip too, just to try and silently reassure him but... what if that isn't enough..

I sat at the dinner table with Shenhe, she had come home early and Xingqiu had some sort of meeting to go to so I was gonna have to be alone tonight,

"So... Chongyun, this little blue haired boy? Why are you spending so much time together?" Shenhe asked,

"Oh.. uhm.." I hesitated, surely I could tell her, I mean she is my auntie!

"He's.. special to me..." I muttered, nudging the noodles around with my chopsticks,

"Hm... how so?"

"Well... he's just..." I took a breath,

"He's my boyfriend."


Tw// Homophobia, verbal abuse

Xingqiu POV:

I sat around the table with my father on the opposite side,

"Now, as you know Xingqiu, you are the youngest son of the guhua clan, therefore its your responsibility to marry well!" The man lectured as my brothers nodded,

I huffed, I really couldn't be bothered to break it to them gently so I planned on telling them as soon as I could, it's not like their reaction could upset me, they already ignore me all the time,

"We have looked at other clans who would be beneficial for our clan to merge with, and you are the only unmarried son, so you will be the one to marry the daughter of whoever we decide!"

I rolled my eyes before standing up,

"Father I'm 17, I won't be marrying anyone any time soon, and If I do marry it will not be to anyone you choose!"

My heart was beating pretty fast, this was the first time I had spoken to my father in politely,

"Wha- how come?!" He yelled, standing up with me,

"I'm already in love, and it's a boy." I admitted,

My father's face scrunched up, he looked like a toddler,

"You will not marry a boy."

"Yes, I will."

"Is he at least from a wealthy clan?" My father asked, clenching his fists,

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