45 - Finally

298 9 17

(Ana POV)

It was slightly raining. I should care. It could get me sick, being sick and pregnant wouldn't be great and James would probably force me into bed. But I didn't care...I don't care. I had to see her. My baby. Sarah Wanda Rogers. Tony somehow managed to get a hold of the contracts for Steve's house, the one Peggy gave him. Made sure it was legal to bury someone here. He had a walking path made from the house to the edge of the forest where the largest tree stood. Next to it he buried her. Had a large gravestone specially made too. A hologram of Sarah glowed above it when you touched the gravestone. 

I tugged the cardigan I wore over my belly feeling the cold chill of the breeze break through my shirt. A shadow covers me and the rain stops falling on me. I don't look. By the way he stands I know who it is.

"She was so beautiful." I whisper.

"Just like her mother. You shouldn't be out here in the rain."

"I know Steve. I just needed to say goodbye to her." He sighs taking another step closer to me, placing his hand on my back.

"She had a big heart, hard headed like you, but she loved you."

"How could she love me if I was never around to be her mother?" My breath began shacking, I tried hard to hold back the tears but the fucking hormones made it that much harder.

"We uh...Buck and I...we told her everything about you. Ever story, every moment. Maria would visit and tell her about you before you came to the Avengers tower. Thor gave her stories of how families are in Asgard, so she would know how you would have mothered her. Sarah may not have spoken often about you but I saw how she paid attention to every detail of you. She even began learning how to use your swords." Tears fell down my face. I missed so much..how could I ever make up for it?


"I know. I wish I had more time with her too. But Ana, we have Ana Jr. and Grant, and now you have two little Buckys..." He moved his hand over to my stomach, gently moving his hand over the now large bump. I place my hand on his forcing myself to take a deep breath.

"Actually..one is a girl" I look over to him. He raises his eyebrows in surprise with a big grin.

"Does he know?"

"No. He's been so happy at the thought it would be two boys, I didn't want to break his heart."

"You really think it'll break his heart? I think he would like girls more, no matter what he says. He's been very close with Ana Jr."

"You really think so? He wont be mad?"

"Ana..." He turned to face me keeping the large umbrella over us. "Bucky loves you. More than I've seen him love anything in the world. He really doesn't care if you have boys, girls, a mix of the two..god they could be born half lizards and he will still be happy." I giggle wiping the tears from my face. "Come on. We need to get you warmed up and changed, before he gets his head out of the nursery long enough to notice."

Steve placed his hand on my back turning me to go up to the house. Tomorrow it won't rain. I'll come back and put some flowers down for Sarah. For now he was right, I need to think straight.

We walk in through the back of the house. I sit on the bench by the door and take off my shoes, while Steve puts the umbrella away and kicks off his shoes too. We hear a groan followed by cursing. I look at Steve slowly with a smirk and he looks back at me holding back a laugh.

"Is he making the crib?" I ask already knowing the answer

"I should...go help" He smirks then laughs walking down the hall and up to the rooms.

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