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Okay, so first things first, why am I even waiting here for her? It's not like she's gonna show up all of a sudden. If this keeps up, I'm gonna be late... But she does worry me a bit. I mean, she hasn't showed up at school since last Monday, so it is a bit weird. I just hope she received the message I sent her last night. Although, I wouldn't be surprised if she didn't, because I sent it really late. Maybe she was sleeping then... And maybe she is now, as well. I guess I'll just wait for five more minutes, and if she doesn't show up, I'm gonna go alone again.
   And just when I think about doing that, I feel a sudden embrace from behind me.
   - Who am I?~ -I hear those words in a soft and playful voice, with a little giggle between them. It's so obvious who that person is, but, as usual, I decide to play dumb.
   - Oh, I don't know. Doesn't ring a bell. But does this counts as sexual harassment?
   - What?! No! -The soft voice suddenly changes into a more alarmed one- It's me, your bestie!
   - Oh, wow, look what the cat dragged in! Or should I say, out? -I look at the person with a malicious smile, but as soon as I look into her puppy eyes, my smile becomes as soft as them- It's nice to see you again, Sayori. I missed you.
   She then smiles in return, probably from relief. I can tell that she was in a hurry just from her looks: her hair is all messy, and her ribbon doesn't seem to fit as usual. She still has toothpaste on her face, as well. And if we go down... Her blazer is unbuttoned and it leans a little to the left, and if we go even lower we can see how she has two different socks. I guess the only normal part of her school outfit is her skirt. Well, that is to say that everyone just ignores the toothpaste stain that's on there as well, matching with her face... Maybe I'm being too dramatic about it, but it kinda bothers me.
   - Sayori, were you in a rush?
   - No! Well, maybe... -She does the usual pout thing while she plays with her fingertips- ... Is it that obvious?
   - Well, of course it is. Maybe if you woke up earlier this wouldn't happen... But even so, this is so like you -I say that while I pat her head, messing a little with her already messy hair- Do you think we should get going?
   She smiles and then nods to my question, starting to make her way to school. I follow her for a moment, until I end up by her side once again.
   I can tell that she's feeling great right now... Well, at least that's what her body language says about it. She's even humming a little. I can't help but to smile just by watching her.
   - Well, now that I'm finally with you, can you tell why hasn't the princess showed up at school for the past week?
   - Oh. I just didn't wanted to go! -She responds, with a bright smile covering her face.
   - Oh come on, don't give me that! That's not an excuse.
   - I know that, but I really just didn't feel like it, y'know? You can't do things when you're not motivated
   - Yeah, you're right about that, but the school doesn't give a damn. You could get yourself expelled if you keep doing that, and you certainly don't want that.
   - Well, yeah, I'm sorry... But everything is okay now! You went to pick me up, that makes it a lot easier -She practically ignores all my lecture, and, as always, she relies completely on me. But that's when something lighted up in me.
   - Well, since you're such a dummie, I guess it's up to me to make you go to class.
    - Wait, you do mean it?! -She says that while looking surprised.
   - Yeah, yeah. Now, don't expect me to help you with your studies, I'm not the best at it.
   - Oh, it's okay! I'm fine with it! I'm counting on you, Yuu!
   She sounds so careless about everything. It's like she took everything for granted. Well, it doesn't matter, I guess. Plus, it would be way worse if she didn't had someone like me. I wonder what the real reason for her not going to class is, tho. It's so obvious that she didn't tell me all of the situation, because that would worry me a lot... Probably. It's just a guess. She has that ability, after all.
   We keep walking for a while, talking about what we did last week, or things about school, and even our memories from childhood, from the most cherished to the most stupid ones. I don't know why, but it feels like we haven't talked like this for ages. Maybe it's because I've been a little distant this year, now that I think about it... But the truth is that Sayori has been in my mind all the time, even when I don't see her. And now the chances to talk with her have been reduced even more, because I can't see her after school now that she is part of a club. I don't even know what kind of club she's gotten herself into, but it seems she likes it, because every time class is over she grabs her things in a rush and goes to the third floor, where all the club rooms are. I guess it's nice. Speaking of it, I still haven't joined a club this year. Not that I did so last year... Or the year before that one. In fact, I haven't joined a single club ever since school gave us the right to do it. Wow, I really am such a boring person, damn.
   I look over to Sayori, just in time to see her eyes kind of glowing while looking at me with a big and charming smile.
   - Sooooo Yuu... Have you joined a club yet?
   - Oh, well, about that... I'm not very interested, to be honest.
   - It can't be! You're losing half of your youth right now!
   - I don't think so. Like, what am I gonna gain with it besides losing more of my free time? I don't think it's worth it -I dismiss almost immediately the topic with that sentence, because I'm really not interested at all in clubs. But I feel a begging gaze trying to pull me back to it- What?
   - I was being serious about it. Besides, it really depends, but you can learn a lot just by joining a club! Especially if it is about something you're not used to see! Take me for example, I've joined the Literature Club! And I wouldn't think of myself as someone who is a literature person, y'know?
   The Literature Club? It sounds kind of... Dull. What can you do in a place like that besides talking about books you've read, like, for real? Write something? Maybe, but that's about it. I can't think of any other activities.
   - Hey Yuu, I just had a splendid idea... -She suddenly says that in a very serious tone, while thinking to herself- If you don't want to join a club at the moment, maybe you could consider joining the Literature Club as well! Plus, I'm there too, so maybe it won't be as boring as it sounds!
   Joining her club? I'm not gonna lie, it sounds great to spend more time with my childhood friend, especially since we barely do so in present. But (and this is a great BUT) literature is a topic that I personally find quite boring, and I don't think that I'll grow fond to it just by becoming part of a club. Plus, the only thing that I read is manga, and only once a week. And I definitely don't want to disappoint Sayori by going there and doing nothing.
   - Sorry, but I don't think it's a good idea.
   - Huh? Why? It's not like you're gonna ruin the club or something like that!
   - Sayori, do I look like a literature guy? You're club is obviously not made for people like me, who only read manga once in a while.
   - Don't say that! We definitely have a place for people like you! Natsuki reads only manga most of the time and she even keeps it in the clubroom closet, and she still contributes a lot.
   "She"? Well, actually, it's not that surprising. Everyone can read manga, and it's not like female weebs can't exist. Still, that doesn't convince me, but I try to leave a response as neutral as possible to avoid the topic.
   - Look, I'll think about it through the day, okay?
   - Really?! -She jumps towards me with excitement, trapping me in a big hug- You won't regret it, I promise!
   - Don't say that like I've already said yes... Jeez.
   We continue our way until we're finally there. Why do I feel like it took forever? Well, it doesn't matter. Once we're inside, we say our temporary goodbyes, since we have different classes. It really is a shame, but it can't be helped, so I just go to my class and hope that today's not a boring day as always.

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