Chapter III Just misunderstandings

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Yuu, 8:11 AM, May 17th, 2017


Normally, an average student would make their way to school at a good time so they could arrive there before than quarter past eight, when the teachers coordinate a little meeting with their classes, like a little reunion in which people discuss stuff that's happened or things that must be done soon. But I usually never go to those, since I never really listen to whatever they're saying, that being because it's usually nothing really relevant. Since I don't live that far from school, I go out like twenty minutes before classes really start. Funny enough, Sayori usually heads there later than I do, which means she's usually late, but not this time. After all, I did promise I would help her get out of bed, so I called her the second I woke up, only being successful the fourth time. She was really sleepy, but I made sure she didn't fell asleep again. Even so, she's really taking her time.
- Yuuuuu! -Just when I'm thinking about how late she is, I hear my name being yelled, followed by the loud noise of the door closing in a hurry.
- Wow, about time. How do you manage to take so much time, Sayori?
- It doesn't matter, right? -She says, while trying to recover from the rush she put herself into- I'm here, aren't I?
- Well, that's certainly true. Anyway, we're gonna be late for real if we stay here any longer. Let's go -With that being said, I turn around to start walking at a rather fast pace, trying to force her to rush again out of pure evil.
- Hey, wait for a..! -I can barely see her trying to reach me before I go, knowing she wouldn't make it like that- You meanie, wait for me!
Being halfway there, Sayori manages to catch her breath. After that, I receive a soft punch on the arm, making me laugh. Then we start talking like usual, but one things has been crossing my mind ever since yesterday. It has nothing to do with the club or the other girls, it's more about the reason behind Sayori not going to school for an entire week. I know she told me it was just her not wanting to go, but, despite that being reason enough for me to worry, I have a feeling that's not all there is to this story. Whatever it is, it seems she won't tell me anything. It's no use forcing her to do so, too, so I might just keep acting like always.
We then arrive to school and go separate ways once again: we barely have a class in common, since we've been in different classrooms ever since high school started. The only classes we share are one or two, nothing more. While going to my classroom, something pink catches my attention, since it stands out in comparison with the colors of the hallways. I barely turn my head without stopping, and I can notice it's that girl Natsuki trying to reach something under the vending machine. The idea of helping her crosses my mind, but just thinking about her reaction makes me dismiss the thought. I'm sure she can do it herself, surely it's just a little something that fell underneath the machine. That's enough for me to keep going and ending just sitting on my seat. I must prepare for the most boring math classes ever, anyway.


Thankfully, time passed faster than I expected, at least for the first two blocks. Unfortunately for my class, every Wednesday we have one hour and forty minutes of math (including the first break), taking over those blocks. At least they are in the morning, because if they were in the last block I would end with brain damage or something. But anyway, we have a little break now, maybe I should take this time to go see Sayori. But first, maybe I can go to the vending machine to get me something to eat. After all, I forgot to bring a little something today for the breaks.
The classroom soon got empty, as everyone went outside to catch up with their friends, go play, go study, go to the bathroom, or go to buy something to eat like me. Now that I think about it, yesterday I didn't talked that much to the guys. Well, it's not like they'll miss me: I was never a core piece of the group anyway, so I suppose it's fine if I don't know about them for a while.
When I'm finally close to the machine, once again I'm met by a pink dot in the middle of the crowd. Just that this time, she was buying something along with a friend, or that's what my first guess tells me. I suppose it should be no problem to go there as well: I mean, I'm not forced to talk to her, am I? Or at least that's what I'm thinking, until I hear something that resembles an omen of disaster.
- Ugh, again? Why is this damn machine so stupid!?
- I told you not to rely on them. There's always a high chance of ending up like this.
- Well, maybe this things should do their job better! -The Natsuki girl keeps complaining, she even hits the vending machine softly with her last hopes- Way to make me waste my money.
I'm tempted to help her somehow, but I really don't like her. I haven't had a nice conversation with her in any of the few ones we've exchanged, so goodbye to my first impressions. But, having as little patience as I do, I can't help but to feel anxious whenever something as dumb as this happens. So I guess the result is gonna be obvious by this point.
- This crap won't give you what you want if you just yell at it. You have to be more aggressive.
Before the two girls can react, I slap the machine on the closest side to the snack, drawing some undesired attention to me for the loud noise. But never mind that, I complete my mission, since the snack ends falling down to where it was supposed to go. Natsuki looks at me for a moment, struggling to find something to say, and then looks at the machine. She doesn't give it much thinking and just grabs the snack, getting up immediately just so she could leave. Her friend thinks for a moment, but finally decides to follow the pink haired girl. After that I go to do what I was going for in the first place. But it seems that this break I won't be able to see Sayori. At least I share my last class with her, so I'll still see her today, I guess. Although, I still can't help but wonder about my sudden change with her, I'm worried that it might be something I don't wanna give her. I guess the most I can do is to find some meaning behind my actions, I wouldn't want to hurt her by keep going without thinking. For now, I'll act as I've been doing since yesterday, since it seems that makes her sorta happy, or at least she looks more lively. I can't just take that away from her.

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