Chapter VIII The greatest effort

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Yuu, 3:29 PM, May 19th, 2017


- Aw, that was really cute, Natsuki!
- Cute?! It's obviously about the feeling of giving up, how is that supposed to be cute?!
- Yes, I got it, I'm just messing with you. Sorry, it's just too funny, ha ha!
- You..!
I can barely concentrate on my tea with these two making so much noise. I could barely understand Natsuki's poem (maybe because I don't write poetry myself), but it seems Monika did, and she surely is enjoying teasing her with that. I'd be surprised by Sayori not joining them, but she's right by my side devouring her cupcake. I must say tho, they are pretty good.
Whatever, there's been another thing that's been bothering me inside my head. The problem I had with Natsuki yesterday left me thinking about a lot of things, and I realized I feel confused. To be honest with myself, I'm kinda enjoying the time I spend with the club now. At first I didn't think much of it, but there's no way I can deny it now. This is one of the reasons I didn't want to join a club: so I wouldn't get attached to people again. I know it sounds dumb, but I think I have a very good reason to say that. It's not something that can be understood easily by anyone, so I prefer to keep it to myself. I'd forget about it if I could, but my own brain likes to play games with me, every single night making me being pursued by those memories I'd rather make disappear. I'm probably not even worthy of having nice moments like this one... But I can't just tell them that, otherwise I'd have to explain myself. Seriously, what a bother.
- Okay everyone! -Monika interrupts my train of thought with that characteristic phrase of hers. I think I'm getting used to it- As you may know, the first festival of this year is coming on Monday next week, and we've barely prepared something for that. Nonetheless, I've discussed the matter with Sayori a little and I think we have a pretty good idea of what to do for that day. Today I'd like to focus more on planning stuff for it, so I'll be counting with all of you. Ah, you too, Hokama!
- Hold on, what does this have to do with me?
- If you put it that way, nothing... But something tells me we're going to need your help!
- What does that even mean..?
- Oh, don't worry about it! Anyway, since we only have today and the weekend to work on whatever we manage to do, I propose we work in pairs. Our priorities are the main activity and environment. Any ideas?
I suppose I'll just listen from here. I don't have a clue of what to say either, and it's none of my business. Natsuki and Muraoka look like they're really trying to come up with something, and Sayori is making weird noises while rubbing her face. Monika is just looking with her usual smile, without making a single sound. Trying to read something here would probably not be worth it, giving all the stuff going on, so maybe I can sleep for a while. That doesn't take that much focus anyway. I'll listen while they're at it.
- Oh! What if we recite some poetry for them?!
- Uhm... Not a bad idea, Sayori, but sadly I doubt people would be interested in something like that. It's not that different from going to the theater... -Monika's voice sounds a little disappointed. I bet she liked the idea.
- Well if you put it that way... I've never been to a theater so I don't know what to tell you, he he.
- Look, I can tell because I've been there, and let me tell you it can be one of the most boring things most of the time -Is that Natsuki? Doesn't matter, I agree anyway- Besides, we're already dealing with the problem of people not finding literature interesting, so I don't think we can work with that.
- Natsuki has a point. As much as I like theater, I don't think something similar would make people give us a chance.
- Huh? But I like the theater... -A soft voice. That must be Muraoka. She barely talks most of the time so it's easy for me to forget how her voice sounds.
- I think that what we have to do here is simple: not make something that resembles an ordinary language class.
- Right. As Natsuki said, we need to make this as attractive as possible. Something that goes out of a common school activity, something that appeals more to what the students may want or need of something like literature. In the end, it all comes down to make it appealing.
- Yes, easier said than done, Monika... But I can't think of anything like that!
- Calm down, Sayori. Don't let the pressure get the best of you, you could come up with something creative any minute!
- We could, but even if I know what we shouldn't do, I too have trouble thinking about what we could actually do to make it work.
After what Natsuki says, the room suddenly goes silent. I still have my eyes closed, but I suppose they're thinking really hard without making any progress. To witness something like this was far beyond my imagination, considering this club has one of the most powerful combinations regarding creativity, Sayori and Monika. If even them have trouble coming up with something good, then, even if I don't know Natsuki and Muraoka that much, I'd say they are in a rougher spot. What's more surprising to me is that I'm having little trouble to think about some possible solutions, even if I'm no club member. I'm somehow doubting whether to speak up to them or let it pass.
- In any case, maybe right now we're too relaxed to think about something -Monika interrupts everyone with a little clap- How about we end our meeting now and figure out how to prepare in a group chat or..?
- I gotta say, this is really frustrating to listen to. Can I say something myself, even if I'm not part of the club?
- Huh? But...
Before Monika can continue, Natsuki raises her hand, asking for a moment to have a word.
- Permission conceded.
I laugh internally after hearing that. Hearing something like that from someone like Natsuki, who just a few days ago was hating on me like I was a plague, is one of the most hilarious things I've ever come across.
- Even if I was trying to take a nap right now, it was really hard for me not to form my own opinion on what you're discussing. I think I might have a couple of ideas on what you could do to actually have a successful festival.
- Oh, really? -Monika has a look that I wouldn't consider of surprise, but something more like curiosity- Well then, Hokama... May we hear what you've come up with?
- It's nothing too awesome, to be honest... I was thinking that, since literature has a hard time drawing the attention of students nowadays, you could focus on a more direct interaction with students by guiding them to express themselves via, well, literature.
They all look at me in silence. Was I too abstract with what I said? I think I was being quite clear. I gotta say, putting my thoughts into words to explain them to people is resulting harder than I expected.
- I'm not sure if I understand where you're going, Yuu... -Sayori is the first one to talk after my explanation. Well, she's not the brightest, but I think it's best if I go more in depth.
- How should I put this... As humans, we have a lot of things we want to express, but we either don't know how or just don't dare to try. Literature is an art, and, from what I know, art's main goal is to bring expression into something that can be admired by everybody. So I think that by letting our schoolmates put their thoughts and feeling into words, be it a poem or a song, you can appeal to them and bring some attention to your club.
Once again, silence. But I can't get off the feeling that everyone is staring deep into my eyes, with more attention than before, as if they were waiting for me to continue my little speech.
- Well, it was just a thought I had...
- That was so deep.
- Eh?
Muraoka's words catch me off guard. I think I can feel my face getting a little hot, so I'll cover it up with my arm just in case.
- Wow, Hokama, I never knew you were such a philosopher! Why didn't you talk more when we were in the same class?
- Now Monika too... Ugh, don't think too much about it. When I think too much about something I feel the need to go more in depth, and so I end up with this kind of reflections.
- You're making it sound like it's a bad thing when it's not! -Monika gives me a little wink. This woman...- In any case, you just gave us something extraordinary to work with. I bet that will help us for sure! Thank you!
- ... You're welcome, I guess.
- Awww, Yuu, don't be embarrassed! You did great!
- Although, Sayori, for him not being a club member, he sure has gotten too involved in our affairs -Natsuki starts mocking me as soon as she sees the chance as well- How's that? Did that sound cultured enough?
- It would of if you could get off that smug face of yours -I sigh, completely resigned- If y'all are done making fun of me, I think you should use what I said to organize whatever you're gonna do.
- Sorry, I just really enjoy it whenever I'm right!
With that last comment, Monika calls the other three to talk about their things again. I swear, it was never my intention to get involved in all this mess of a club, but once again Sayori is the catalyst of my doom. My only goal this year was to be as chill as possible, but the universe decided that that was too good for me. But since we're here now, maybe I should consider whether I should join this club or not... After all, as I was saying earlier, I've enjoyed a little my time here.

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