˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ 0 0 0 | Prologue

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I was I the middle of dreaming about beating up some pink and yellow Megamind mean girl rip off bitch before I was awakened by my shitty alarm going off. 

It was only 5 and school was in a good 4 hours but I had to get everyone up, cook, clean, eat and more shit. Lasted night I already packed my brothers bags so that was out of the way.

Mother was still a sleep and it's time I wake her up, now this is never fun! She yells at me cry's a lot and makes certain sound that belong in a certain time of 'anime'... Anyways if I didn't I would get in ALOT of trouble since I was being 'nasty', 'bitchy' or a 'cunt' you know the normal.

I got to her door and stopped, it was never easy doing this since no madder how bad she treats me and my brothers and how she neglects us, I still love her. And it's not my fault, One day she nice loves giving hugs and might cook dinner! but every other day she nasty and yells all day long.

The only person she 'feeds' in this house is my youngest brother, Noah. Only since he the favourite and he's very spoiled because of her, youngest child stuff... lucky.

Every morning I will cook something for everyone only for Ben to diss it and then mother will give him chips, cholate, lolls or even worse fast food! For all three meals of the day! And she has no problem! My father try's to stop it but he's a push over.

Putting all that aside I promised I would be the best big sister for my younger brothers since they had no real mother and there father was away most of the time. And once this shitty part of are lives is over will all be happy together! 

At least that's what I've envisioned.


I threw my math, science a Hass book in side my bag that I've been using since I was 8 but we don't talk about that. 

School starts as 9, since it was Wednesday and all so more time to sleep in! Oh wait, I'm an over thinker so I wake up two hours before school to read random shit, watch Tiktok, look at cool things to by on eBay but never buy anything, play my heavily neglected animal crossing game, you know normal things.

And sadly it's 8:30 already! I know damn well my walk is only ten minutes but the thoughts in my head are like 'maybe you timed wrong' or 'You might get distracted'. Honestly I hate these though but at least they get me places faster! 

And I've never broken a rule! I have manners too, saying good morning to every teacher, staff and friend that walks by! and I'm always getting good grads, well not in English- "Hey, Sam, Ben! Get your ass over here! Time for school!"

I heard them garbing there bags and running to the front door which I was on the other side, being the oldest is a fuck burden tbh, I have to cook, clean, work, and baby sit all in the same hour since my mom is neglectful and my dads away for work in fucking America for over a year now thanks to Covid!

"Damn Ben's got guts" I heard one of my younger brothers mumble, putting his hands in his pockets. 

"What do you mean Sam?" I asked tilting my head slightly towards him. 

"Ben's trying to cross the road without us!"

"What-" before I could finish I saw a trunk going to hit bloody Ben! 

I ran forward and tried to push him away from the trunk but then everything went black. I'm gonna beat that boy with a bat when we get home, well if we 'get' home.

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My eye's slowly broke open and eminently shut once I saw the bright light. After I eventually forced my self to open my eyes I looked around, well that's not really the right word since there was nothing to look at.

I looked down at myself and saw I was wearing a kimono and Hakama, the kimono being dark blue and purple whilst the Hakama was black.

I was also wearing white tabi socks as well as some purple zori. My hair was also fucked with, it still had my original (h/c) colour but the tips were not only longer but purple, wtf is up with purple?

Though the only question on my was worth asking in my stupid mind was "aye, have you ever heard of dark mode?"


"Da fuck-" I swear on my non existent dick, I turned around so dang fast my head should of gone flying.

Anyways, once I turned my lazy ass around I found my self looking up a some sort of god figure, guessing by the clothing it looked like a layered purple, black and green kimono "Um who are you?"

"Good question, right back at ya," she replied with a stupid figure gun.

"Well my name's-"

"I'm joking," she said cutting me off.

"Oh! Well I still don't know who you are,"

"You will soon."

"Dang, okay-"

"Shh, I'm here to bring you to a new world, It's like another Earth." she explained as I half listened and half played with the bottom of my kimono.

"And? What's the catch?" I asked folding my arms and pouting, ain't no way I would just get a cool restart in a new world with no draw backs.

"Well you know your brother?"

"Yea? I do have four." I said holding out four out of 5 fingers.

"Well the one you saved."


"He'll be there with you but you have to find him."

"oh, cool,"

"So I'll send you now?" she asked coming slightly closer.

"Ayo, could I bring some stuff though? you know like a switch or a phone?" I asked, it would be really helpful to have something from my 'old life', maybe even a photo of Ben to find him with help!


"Oh, really! most of the time when things like this happ-"


"oh, I see how it is."

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𝙏𝙍𝙐𝙏𝙃 𝙊𝙁 𝙏𝙄𝙈𝙀 ✿ Hunter X Hunter ᴼⁿ ᴳᵒⁱⁿᵍWhere stories live. Discover now