˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ 0 0 1 | Heather

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Everywhere I looked all I could see were blue skies for as far as my eyes sight reach, along with the lack of pollution hit me like a really hard brick! It was so nice like god damn! To be totally honest I had no idea where I am!

The lady said something about a different Erath! So it's like an alternate reality? I wasn't really listing cause I was spacing out, but she said she sent me here to find my shitty brother, for how long? I don't think she mention that part. 

"Umm, are you okay?" I heard a voice that puled me out of my thoughts.

 Well, when I looked up at the place where the voice came form I saw a girl with blond hair and bright blue eyes looking at me, her hands were resting on her knee's to lean down to my level. 

"Mhm. yep, I'm just fine," I spoke.

"Really? Okay then... Where are we?"

"I don't know,"

"Then your not fine, follow me kid," she said grabbing onto my hand and pulling me somewhere.

Aa! She's a kid to! She's probably only 17! Also I look really young now! like 10! how dose that happen! Wait is that one of my powers? If so, cool! If not, FUCK YOU WORLD FOR TURNING ME INTO A SMALL CHILD!!!

"We're here! This is my home!" said the girl cheerfully pointing at her home.

"Oh, It's small,"

"It's not!"

"Yea it is,"

"Ugg! I hate kids! NO! I love kids! Just not you!"

"Oh no! Anyways-" I was suddenly interrupted by the girl closing my mouth shut with her degusting hand.

"Shut up! I'm only helping you so that Jason-san thinks I'm nice!"

"Pardon my language, but fucking Jason!? Who in their right mind calls their kid Jason!"

"Ugh! You!! YOU!!! I could just throw you- Oh hey Jason-san! This is my little sister!"

"Oh hey Heather-san, I didn't know you had a sister,"

"Well, I adopted her! She came from such a bad town! So I just had to help her out!"

"Well that's very nice of you, what's her name?"

"Uhm! How about if she just tells you!"

"Nice to meet you Jason-san, my name's (y/n),"

"Oh hey (y/n)-chan! Your English is amazing for someone your age!" beamed Jason-san.


"Well anyways! Jason-san we have to get going!! I have to show (y/n)-chan to my parents!"

"Oh okay, bye Heather-san... Bye (y/n)-chan!"

We continued to walk in an uncomfortable silences inside her house, I sat on the floor and stared up at the roof. 

𝙏𝙍𝙐𝙏𝙃 𝙊𝙁 𝙏𝙄𝙈𝙀 ✿ Hunter X Hunter ᴼⁿ ᴳᵒⁱⁿᵍWhere stories live. Discover now