CarSick (Hinata) (🏐)

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Sick: Hinata
Caregiver: All of Karasuno Volleyball Team + Kenma

Warnings: Vomit

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Hinata always got nervous before practice matches, and sometimes he got sick on the bus, but he actually suffers from car sickness and never told anyone.

They were on the bus heading to Tokyo for the week long training camp, Hinata isn't nervous at all, he's really happy to play against Kenma..

Unfortunately, Hinata feels sick, he never let anyone know and he was starting to feel worse. He was next to the window, hugging his stomach tight.

'' Nngh- ''

Hinata let out a small groan, his stomach churning and aching at every turn the bus makes. Kageyama looked at Hinata.

'' Are you okay? Your not nervous are you? Jeez how annoying.. ''

Kageyama scoffs. Hinata's eyebrows furrowed, tears dwelled in his eyes.

'' Kageyama can't you show some sympathy for me?! ''

Hinata yells, tears fell down his cheeks.

'' I'm not feeling well okay?! If you must know, I get car sick! ''

He cries out softly, Kageyama was taken a back, everyone was looking at them now. Hinata sniffles and covers his mouth, muffling a gag.

Daichi came over to Hinata and Kageyama, he handed Hinata a sick bag. Kageyama felt bad, he frowns softly and gently rubs Hinata's back.

Hinata cried and let out another gag, throwing up into the sick bag. Daichi sighs softly and holds back Hinata's hair gently.

Hinata cries quietly, everyone... even Tsukishima felt sympathy for the middle blocker. Kageyama sighed.

'' We've still got an hour left of driving.. Hinata why didn't you tell any of us? ''

He asks, Hinata coughs up more vomit, sniffling and crying.

'' I-I didn't want anyone to judge me..''

Hinata choked out through light sobs, Kageyama plays with Hinata's hair and kisses his head.

Sugawara came over and gently rubbed Hinata's back.

'' Hinata we would never judge you, we're a team and we're here for you... you need to tell us these things. ''

Hinata nods weakly and sniffles.

'' I'm sorry, I-I will tell you next time..''

He says weakly, leaning his head back on the chair and whining.

'' Can't we pull over... my stomach really hurts..''

Hinata mumbles.

Takeda sighs.

'' I'm sorry Hinata, the next stop isn't for another 30 minutes. ''

Hinata cries out, hugging his stomach, Tsukishima rummaged through his bag and pulled out ginger tablets, he carried them around since he usually suffers from nausea waves.

Tsukishima walked up to them. Sugawara glared at Tsukishima, worried he's going to say something wrong.

Tsukishima sighed, gently handing Hinata the ginger tablets.

'' Here.. these should help Hinata. ''

Hinata whines, he didn't want to put anything in his stomach. Tsuki sighs.

'' I know you don't want it, but it's going to help. ''

Hinata sat up weakly, he gently got two tablets from the packet and took them with the water, he immediately leaned back and closed his eyes.

Tsukishima smiles softly, playing with Hinata's hair.

'' Try to get some rest. ''

Tsukishima says softly. Hinata nods weakly, closing his eyes.

'' Thank you Tsukishima..''

He mumbles, everyone was a little shocked that Tsuki was being nice to Hinata.

Tsuki went back to his seat and sat down, Hinata slowly fell asleep.

The next time Hinata woke up, they were finally at Tokyo and Kenma was stroking Hinata's hair.

'' Hey your awake..''

Kenma says softly, Hinata let out a soft whine.

'' I got sick on the bus... I'm so embarrassed. ''

He cries out, Kenma kissed Hinata's head.

'' Sshh, it's okay Hinata.. nobody is mad at you, do you feel better? ''

He asks. Hinata nods.

'' Y-yeah I feel much better now... I need to thank Tsukishima later..''

Kenma smiles.

'' You ready for me to whoop your butt in practice? ''

Hinata giggles and shakes his head.

'' I'm going to whoop your butt! ''

They both went to practice.


The end.
Words: 646

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