Chapter 3, Secrets

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Hey everyone, sorry for not posting last week.  I got sidetracked and it completely slipped my mind.


"What are you up to B?" Dick asks as he watches Bruce type away at the bat-computer.

"I'm doing some research into Percy's past" Bruce replies as he pulls up an old news article. Jason, Tim and Damian all enter the Batcave overhearing this. Damian looks over his shoulder to read the Headline pulled up on the screen. Tim takes this opportunity to sync his tablet with the computer so he could read along also.

The article read,

'Sally Jackson, Persephone Jackson, Annabeth Chase and Grover Underwood were kidnapped by an unknown assailant and dragged across country before escaping when Persephone engaged in a gunfight with their abductee.'

"Why couldn't you just ask her about her past yourself, father? Would that not be a more normal way of acquiring this information?"" Damian asks taking the seat next to Bruce. "Demon, nobody in this family is normal" Jason says with a smirk.

"I told you not to call me that, Todd" Damian snarls at the older teen. "People tend to twist things in their favor. Not to mention there are things she might not be comfortable sharing" Bruse says tapping a few more keys.

"C'mon Bruce, cut her some slack. She just lost her mom, not to mention she's your niece" Tim defends as he scrolls through some more articles. He was really just looking for more info on the camp because it sounded awesome.

"Really, then how should I go about all the dropped charges she's had against her. Or maybe the fact that she drops off the face of the earth every summer. Not to mention I can't find anything about her father or his side of the family" Bruce says rubbing his temples.

"What about her cousin? He was there with one of their friends when Alfred and I picked her up. I think it was that Grover kid the article mentioned" Jason replies.

"What was his name?" Bruce asks his head whipping around. One thing about Bruce, was that he didn't like being unprepared or not know things. "I don't know, Nico?" Jason says though it sounded more like a question.

"Any last name?" Damian asks now invested in what they were doing. He didn't like the idea of bringing a potential criminal into the house.

"Uh, I think she called him Di Angelo or something" Jason says a little more confident with his answer while he scratched the side of his head. After Typing the name into the computer, he made an audible sound of confusion. "Are you sure you got the name correct?" Bruce asks

"Pretty sure yah, why?" Jason asks walking towards the computer. "The only Nico Di Angelo's that came up are some kid who went missing back in the 1940'sand some 35-year-old in Italy" Bruce says pulling up the first file. "That's him" Jason all but shouts pointing to the photo associated with the file.

"That can't be right, says here that this kid was born in 1932 before him and his older sister Bianca went missing and their mother was found dead due to an explosion" Bruce says reading the info.

"Listen, he might look younger than when I saw him today but that is the guy who was with her at the police station" Jason says adamantly.

"Okay, so she's hanging out with teenage time travelers?" Dick asks. "Sounds like it. Why aren't there any phone records for her?" Tim asks taking a sip of coffee. "That's another thing, apparently she's never had a phone before recently" Jason says with a shrug.

"Listen, I don't care what other people say. She's going through a lot, and you didn't see what I did earlier.  She's a good person and I'll take her words over someone else's" Jason says before storming off to the training area.

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