Chapter 24, Strike Back

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Welcome back from that cliffhanger. 

Holy cow, I have been busy, Like dam. I've got family coming over from Ireland soon, so I'm really excited for that. I'm glad that I have chapters pre-written because I won't be able to really work on a lot in the next few months.  

Anyway, I hope you enjoy this week's chapter and how I planned everything out.


The ride back in the bioship was anything but quiet, but not in a good way. Megan sat in the pilot seat as her soft sobs filled the air. Wally on the other hand pounded his fist against the armrest as his grunts of anger filled the silence.

All the while, Tim watched Percy who sat there with a cold expression on her face as she looked out the window. She didn't tap her fingers or fiddle with riptide. She didn't hum to herself or do anything he knew she did to distract herself from her ADHD.

She just sat there quietly with her thoughts and after the display they witnessed, a small part of him feared for the aliens.

"There will be time to mourn later. Now we have a job to do. Defend the earth" Aqualad says standing from his seat. "And to ensure that Artemis' sacrifice was not in Vain" he continues after a short pause.

"Where do we go? Back to the cave?" Megan asks, her voice still wabbly. "The hall of Justice" he corrects. "The human race must know that there are still heroes defending them" he says as a fire is lit within them. "There is still hope" he says as the ship takes a hard left adjusting its course.

"Now! Open fire!" a general shouts out as the line of tanks fire rounds at three approaching the capital.

Firing beams, the enemy ships instantly destroy the tanks making the surrounding soldiers flee the explosions. Coming up behind them quickly, the bioship opens as Connor jumps onto the back of one of the ships destroying it. Firing with the newly acquired cannon, the other two ships go down quickly.

The soldiers started to cheer for the heroes that came to their rescue as they exited the bioship.

"See, it is superman. I told you he wouldn't leave us out here all alone" one of them says. "I don't know, he looks kind of young. Where's the cape" another soldier replies.

Turning to them, Connor addresses them in a slightly annoyed tone. "I'm not superman" he says as the general approaches.

"I don't know who you are, son, and right now, I don't care. You wear the 'S', and you got the job done" the general says. Looking down dejectedly this time, Connor repeats his prior statement. "I'm not superman" he repeats.

"Tell that to the enemy... General Wade Eiling, US Air Force" he says turning to Aqualad and saluting.

"Aqualad, Justice League. We'll help you salvage as many of the enemy cannons as possible. Then we start taking back what is ours" Aqualad replies."Looks like one of your girls already started" one of the soldiers says as they all look to see Percy use riptide to slice off the cannon like a hot knife through butter.

A short time later, as they set up camp at the Hall of Justice, the group of heroes walks in to see the large statues of their mentors in ruin.

'They're really gone' Red Robin thinks as Megan sets up the mental link again. Floating over, Megan looks at the broken statue of her uncle before letting out another sorrow filled sob.A shiver passes over her making her head snap up and her eyes widen. With a grunt of exertion, she lifts the statue to reveal Martian manhunter underneath.

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