Chapter 9

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so, remember when i told you that my laptop deleted chapter 8, so i had to rewrite it?

it deleted chapter 9 as well !!!!

sorry about that, i hope you are still enjoying this story :) please comment/tweet me your thoughts !!!

~alina (twitter-killjoydan)

——————————————————————————————————————————————————I woke up the next morning, dazed and confused. I was holding a beer bottle and I was on the couch. I tried to recall why I was on the couch, I didn't exactly remember how I got there. I looked at the beer bottle in my hand, examining it. I rotated it to the side and saw the familiar 'Island Spice' logo.

Was I at Island Spice last night? 

I couldnt think straight, I had a massive headache. I had to have been there, or else I wouldn't have had this bottle of beer in my hands. When did I go there? And how the hell did I get back? Maybe someone brought me back, but who would have...


Phil would have brought me back. 

Phil must have brought me back

I groaned. I knew that he didn't like that I drank and went out to clubs and stuff. And he's the one that saved me from it.

What an angel. 

I needed to apologize, he must be furious.  I wonder how he even found me. How did he even know I was gone? Maybe he saw me get up in the middle of the night.

 Maybe he followed me.

I got up slowly and walked towards Phil's room like a child sneaking out of bed. When I finally got to his closed door, I was scared to knock. I held my hand close to the door for what seemed like ages. When I finally did build up the courage to knock on his door, there was no answer.

Was he really that mad at me?

I knocked again, this time louder, and there was still no answer

"Phil?" I said, hoping he would open the door

"Phil? Please let me in" I say softly

I couldnt take it anymore. I opened the door slightly.

"Phil? Phil? PHIL" I say, now angry that he wasn't answering.

"Im sorry"

"Im so sorry Phil"

"Phil, come back" I say, as I notice that his room was empty

I was alone.

Did he leave me? Where did he go? Was he done with me? 


I sat on his bed, incapable of feeling any emotions. I felt drained. But, then I saw that all of his stuff was still in here. Confused, I left his room and went to lie down back on the couch, when I saw a note taped to the front door.

I ran and grabbed it, it read;


If you're wondering where I am right now, Im at my first day of work. Ill be back at 3:30


I completely forgot. Today was his first day at his new job at the music store. And I missed it. I wanted to walk him to the store and wish him luck. But I was too busy getting drunk.

No wonder he's mad.

I grabbed my coat and ran out of the apartment. I needed to see him as soon as possible. I needed to apologize. 

I ran all the way to the store. My heart was pounding. I really hoped he wasn't mad.

I stopped running when I could see the store. I just noticed that the store was called 'Amplify Amity'. What a cliche name.

I opened the door and walked inside slowly. I stopped in front of the piano that I have been in love with, longing to play it. he probably won't teach me piano now. I looked around the store, looking for him, but I didn't see him.

Did he really run away?

I figured he was just in some back room teaching some little child how to play piano. I wanted to see him with kids. I wanted to see how he worked with them, I wanted to hear him play the piano. I wanted him to teach me how to play the piano. 

I wanted him.

I stood next to the beautiful piano and ran my fingers across it again. I was hitting random notes, not knowing what they were or what they were supposed to sound like. I just wanted to be good at something. Anything. And I feel, if I worked hard enough, I could be good at this. 

"You're just in time" says a voice behind me

I spin around, taken aback by the voice behind me, but then I smiled, it was Phil.

"Phil I-"

"Its okay, I already know what you're gonna say" he says in a comforting tone

"You're probably pissed at me" I say, looking down

"No, not exactly. I just want you to be careful. I want you to stay healthy."

"How did you know thats where I was? When did I even leave?"

"You left about midnight, and I heard you. I stayed awake to see when you'd be back. When you didn't come back, I went to find you"


"Don't worry about it. Id do anything for you" he says, placing a hand on my shoulder. 

Wow. What an angel he is. 

"So, are you ready for our first piano lesson?" Phil asks, as the manager turns the sign form 'open' to 'closed' and leaves.

We were alone.

"Okay, should we go back there?" I ask, pointing to a sign that said 'practice room'

"No, I think you should learn on this piano." he said, winking at me

He really was an angel.

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