On What Occasion?

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You ever felt like you don't belong? That you have to prove yourself to different people over and over and over again? *sighs* shit gets annoying nb understands me but they're so quick to judge me based off what they heard about me

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You ever felt like you don't belong? That you have to prove yourself to different people over and over and over again? *sighs* shit gets annoying nb understands me but they're so quick to judge me based off what they heard about me........ sorry let me introduce myself my name is y/n y/nn Johnson. I'm 24 years old, I am a football coach at crystal high. I actually graduated from there a couple of years ago, I was a victim to bullying it seemed like everyday, hour, & month I was being picked on just because I was "different". Since I was a baby I was diagnosed with this "disease" the doctor couldn't tell if I was a boy or a girl because I had a penis. As I was growing up sometimes my parents would have to move us to different cities, towns, & etc because I was considered a freak. My parents were always supportive of me no matter what I chose or wanted to do. They would always tell me "nobody should be judged off what they have & their looks. Instead ppl should be judged off their personality ". Whenever they told me that it would make me feel better in the moment but once I was back in school reality kicked in. In school I would always sit in the very back of the class with my head down in a book with some big  "nerd" glasses on. My interests were reading and fantasizing that I was in a different world. You know one of those cliché type of stories like Romeo and Juliet? Yh those were the type of books I was reading. I also liked playing games , 2k19 or call of duty. I had about two other friends in school that had somethings in common with me their names are nick & ryan. Their my best friends they would sometimes stand up to my bullies for me but then all three of us would end up getting our asses beat. We were called "snotty bookworms" that name all together was lame ash to me but others felt like it was funny. We were called that all throughout high school. I'm also a virgin I could never get close to a girl without damn near pissing on myself Ik for a fact nick & Ryan had to step in and save me from embarrassing myself. I remember this one time I got close to this girl name "megan" I actually thought she liked me.........we would hangout, go bowling, the movies, out to eat, shit you name it......but turns out I was just some "bet" how did I find out? Well one day she convinced me into going to a party with her we were dancing and laughing until we had one moment were we was abt to kiss. So she grabbed my hand and led me to a room I thought I could trust her........so as we were kissing she wanted to go to another level so she started unbuckled my belt & proceeded to pull down my pants along with my boxers just for a couple of ppl to come out of the closet with their flashlights on taking pictures of me while saying "most definitely going on the gram weirdo" to say I was embarrassed was an understatement I was humiliated. Then check this, out of all the ppl that came out the closet there was one dude & he walked over to her putting his arm around her neck while laughing saying "nice one babe". She just stood there laughing right along with them and the last words I remember her telling me were "did you really think I would like/ go out with a freak like you?" I was tearing up damn near ready to cry. I hurried & pulled my pants up running out the house making my way down the street walking the rest of the way home........coming next day at school ppl had ALREADY made pictures of me in that room with my dick just hanging there & at the top of the picture it would say freak written across it.......I made a promise to myself from that day forward to never let my guard down or open myself up to a female again. And I never heard or saw Megan again after what happened at that party, so once I graduated at the top of my class I started going to the gym working out everyday, I just took my anger & frustration out at the gym..... I also left town and moved far away until I had got a phone call one day from one of my old friends Nick saying they needed me to come back & coach for our old high school football team. Ik Ik "why tf would I wanna do that? Half of the old team used to bully me". I said no at first but they told me after we graduated the school made HELLA changes and had a "no bullying policy" I wish they had that while I was going there but anyway I told them I'll do it seeming as tho I had nothing planned to do at the moment oh they also told me if I took the position I would be getting paid 50,000 dollars up front lmao. Im not turning down 50 grand 💯🤦🏽‍♂️ so I hopped on a first class ticket back to my old town hopping everything would be different.................

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