Your Mines

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Y/n Pov

I just stood there waiting on them both to give me an answer

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I just stood there waiting on them both to give me an answer. Megan looked shocked but she then changed her facial expression to a grin. As if I'm some joke or something. And ole dude just stood there damn near about to laugh his ass off ......... So the both of yall just gonna stand here and not saying anything? Okay bet.......turning around about to walk out the room I felt an arm grab me. I quickly looked over my shoulder. What is it that you want Megan? I'm not about to go back down this same road with you AGAIN. "Well if you wasn't such an air head and stop assuming shit & let me explain you would've known that this man behind you is my brother. And I'm not say my "brother" just to say that I mean this is my BLOOD BROTHER. Yk Todd from high school?......." Turning my body completely back around Todd? My eyes widened wtf......I couldn't believe it. Todd was like a brother to me him & Megan were the COMPLETE opposite Todd was one of the people that would help get some of my old bullies to stop fw me sometimes. He was popular just like Megan but the difference is he didn't really give af about being popular he chose to actually help ppl. And stand up to other bullies shit every guy in school wanted to be him. I remember when me and him became close as brothers he kinda warn me abt Megan he didn't necessarily talk down on her I mean that is his sister. But he would kinda tell me to try my luck with other girls & how I could do better. At the time he felt like his sister just didn't really give af abt other ppl feelings if I'm keeping it 💯...............
I Instantly walked over to him giving him a bro hug damn man how long has it been? "Too long brother" he said. We did our lil handshake and of course he put me in a head lock. Man come on Todd we still doing this "man hell Yh I'm still older than you" eventually I got out the head lock looking up at Todd while rubbing  my neck I think his ass got a lil stronger. Man stop tryna make me look weak out here lol. "Make YOU look weak? Yh okay but it's good to see you kid how's life been treating you?" Good I guess I mean as you can see I ran back into your sister so that's good news huh? We both started laughing hella hard meanwhile Megan just stood behind us with a mean mug on her face.
Megan Pov
HEYYYYYYY I said out loud in a dramatic manner. What's that supposed to mean? "Oh nothing Meganie just a lil joke between me and Todd" mhm well I guess I should leave you guys to catch up then huh? "Maybe another time I actually wanna talk to you first" oh.........hopefully it's nothing I just simply said okay & walked out of the office making my way to the elevator with y/n right on my trail. As I made my way inside the elevator y/n quickly slide in & wrapped his hands around my waist. "Why would you try to make me look crazy back there? I didn't know Todd was here" well Yh I'm sorry I forget how close you guys were but you made yourself look crazy on your own babe. I told you I'm not that girl you knew from high school anymore I changed baby....... I rubbed my hand up & down his chest. I'm all yours love I promise, the elevator came to a stop & me and y/n pulled away from each other getting out walking out the building.

"Well let me at least make it up to you, let's go on another date"

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"Well let me at least make it up to you, let's go on another date". Your sure your ready for that again  I asked y/n while walking over to my car. "Umm idk but I'm willing to try again ." I'll think abt it y/n cause you know I been horny as hell for you & Ik your not ready for that big step yet........ "okay that's fine ima give you a call later then okay?" Alright see ya y/n, I hopped inside my car texting the boys telling them to come down & that im ready to go. My brother by the way owns half of the company with me Ik Ik "Megan you forgot to mention that" I have a lot on my mind lately so that was kind of something least important to mention rn. But Yh he owns half of it and he decided for some reason to come up to the build today to see how's everything been doing . And BOOM he ran into his lil best friend. As much as I love that they have a bond they always would sometimes leave me hanging. Like for example back when we were in high school me & y/n was suppose to hangout but he postponed it to go hangout with my brother. Another time....... My brother was supposed to go to the movies with me but he ended up postponing it to go hangout with y/n I mean sometimes you would think that their actually siblings vs. me & him. But we are all older now and todd has a wife with a kid & he owns a couple of other businesses as well. I'm just glad that we all came back together & can still talk and laugh with one another. I never told y/n this but after that incident that happened in high school todd barely wanted to be around me he couldn't believe that I could treat a human being like that let alone y/n of all ppl. He said it was cruel & evil.......he also gave me a lecture on how amazing y/n was and how he was the only dude in school besides him that gave two fucks about me..............And since then me & my brother wasn't as close as we were.

Megan's brother is back in town.........

By the way y/n is NOT interested in todd so pls don't assume so......

Did y/n over react when he caught Megan & Todd talking?

Pic of Todd? Or no?

1062 words

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