Date Night Part2

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Uhhhhh "Megan?!" I said as I was kinda yelling to get her attention. She just sort of kept looking at me as if she was admiring how I look.

I leaned forward a little while sitting down & I snapped my fingers in front of her face

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I leaned forward a little while sitting down & I snapped my fingers in front of her face. She finally got out of the trance she was in. Megan you good? *chuckles* you was looking at me as if I'm some piece of meat....... "Uhh Yh I'm fine I just saw something that caught my eye no need  to worry". She then gave me a goofy grin, Confusion wasn't a good enough feeling to describe how I feeling. But then again majority of the time when Megan talks to me in a certain way im always left confused. I just nodded my head & looked down at my food grabbing my fork then proceeding to eat my food. Megan just sat there in front of me looking at me again like how she was before. *sighs* your sure there's not something wrong Megan? "Well *coughs* as nice as this date was I just feel the need for something else........." She said as she slowly slipped off her shoe. She lift her leg laying her foot right on my dick I'll be lying if I said I'm not turned on but that'll be an understatement. Ummm.........Megan what are you doing, I said nervously. "Well y/n Im horny ash rn and to be honest I want to either fuck you orrrrr sit on your face". She said that shit as if it was a simple request meanwhile I'm a whole virgin so I wouldn't even know what to do in that position. Ohhhh I started scratching my head, how about we just enjoy our food & see how the night goes hmm?. "NO I don't want that I just told you what I want. Y/N..........are you really going to deny me?. She moved her hands over to the straps on her shoulders from her dress & pulled them down a little showing off her breast. I instantly got up out my seat & picked her up making our way over to my car. I opened the door & put her in the passenger seat. Then I closed the door going over to the driver side getting in & starting up the car. I looked over at Megan & she was looking at me with amazement. I bagged back and drove off I'm finna take her lil freak ass home. She was damn near finna strip inside of that restaurant for everyone to see.................
Megan POV
Baby where are you taking us? I reached over to rubbed on his dick y/n already had an erection. He also looked kinda nervous poor baby don't know what I got planned for him tonight. I know what some of y'all might be thinking "damn Megan you gone let a dude fuck on the first date?". And my answer is no but y/n is different I just got a feeling that with him everything is going to be different. "Megan why are you feeling on my dick?". Because I want to : I said as I sat back a little in my seat while he was driving. I ran my fingers through my hair, & don't act like that dick don't belong to me anyway luv. Now where are you taking us? " I'm taking you home Megan we can talk in the morning. I'll see you while your dropping the boys off for practice." Um no so this is what we ARE going to do. Your going to drive to your house and your going to fuck me or we can fuck in this here car of yours. The choice is yours y/n, I looked over at him and batted my eyelashes waiting on him to give me an answer. "Okay fine we're going to my house........." I smiled I was finna get what I wanted but I could help but feel a little nervous after I realized it's been almost a year since I last got some I wonder if I still got it.............
Once we got to my house I hopped out my car running inside away from Megan. Ik Ik "Y/n why tf are you running away from a woman". Well I'm running away from her because she wants me to fuck her & like I stated from previous times I don't know what to do in that my plan as of rn is to hide out in my room with the door locked hoping that she would leave........ "OHHHH Y/NNN WHERE ARE YOU BABYYYYYY??" She was shouting for me and I was laughing while hiding out inside my room. She's crazy if she thinks I'm finna tell her or show her where I'm at. It sounded like she was done yelling for me maybe she went home? I got off my bed walking over to my door unlocking it, almost making my way out the room when Megan stood in front of me pushing backwards onto my bed. When did she have time to take off her clothes?

Megan had a serious look on her face looking down at me while I was just laying on the bed shocked

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Megan had a serious look on her face looking down at me while I was just laying on the bed shocked. Awwwww shit I'm in trouble now I- "Save it......why did you have me looking all over the house for you? Hmm? Are you scared of me y/n?" Me scared of you!? What? nooooo okay maybe just a little. I sat up  slowly,but Megan quickly pushed me back down straddling my lap.

Megan what are you doing? "shhhhh" she put her finger up to my lips to get me to be quiet

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Megan what are you doing? "shhhhh" she put her finger up to my lips to get me to be quiet. Looking up staring into her eyes. I could tell she really wanted this but the main question I wanted to know is why with me? She stared at me for a second before leaning down to kiss on my neck then proceeded to suck on my neck. I didn't know how to react to this strangle feeling. I was making weird sounds. I guess as if I was moaning?????...............


What's up with Megan being a freak?

Do y'all believe y/n can handle Megan?

I wanna add gifs in the next chapter but wattpad be hating & is probably gonna flag my shit 🥹🥹🤦🏽‍♂️

1075 words

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