Reunion Part 1

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Y/n POVI was getting out my car making my way inside my old high school but before I made my way inside I took a deep breath

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I was getting out my car making my way inside my old high school but before I made my way inside I took a deep breath. This place has caused me nothing but pain & misery smh if I could go back in time I would've never agreed to coming to this school once me & my parents moved..........I met some good ppl here & I also met some bad ppl. Who would've thought I would come back here to coach for a team for 50,000$. I don't necessarily need the money but ain't no such thing as "too much money" I never told Megan, Nick, & Ryan this but I have my own business online called "Elijah" it's a clothing brand. It's been successful for quite some time now I actually started it when I left this town. I ran into some older woman at a store who was telling all about how she makes 2,000 dollars a week. I asked her how & she told me that she sells clothes online which brings her income. So one day I decided "why don't I start my own brand & make others happy wearing dope clothing". As I was thinking I fail to realize I was already walking down the hallway inside the school making my way to the gym. Before I headed inside the gym I stopped for a quick second it sounded like there were a WHOLE bunch of ppl inside. I opened the door just for everyone to scream "SUPRISEEEEE" I looked around very confused until Megan came from behind me

 I opened the door just for everyone to scream "SUPRISEEEEE" I looked around very confused until Megan came from behind me

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whispering in my ear "surprise daddy this party is for you" she said while licking my ear lobe. God she's such a freak.........if it wasn't that many ppl in here I wouldn't be suprised if she tried to fuck me. I know most men would probably be happy if a woman like Megan would want them to fuck her. But as you guys should know I'm still that nerdy kid I was years ago a "glow up" still doesn't hide who I really am. I never had sex before so I wouldn't even know what to do in that situation. I whispered back to Megan " so this is what you've been planning huh? Why?. "Well we all felt like you deserve it y/n you have been so helpful since you took over the team & we all wanted to show how much we appreciate you." Well thank you guys I said as I was turning around to face her. I wrapped my arms around her waist giving her a hug & a kiss to the forehead, she was smiling so hard I could see her dimples poking out. "Baby go up there on stage the boys want to give you something". I walked away from her making my way onto the stage, once I was on stage I looked at the crowd & saw a couple of familiar faces. I saw some of my old bullies & they didn't look to happy to see me, I also saw some of my old friends along with my REAL friends Nick & Ryan. A boy started speaking at the mic "We all are here today to celebrate my coach Y/n Y/nn Johnson, coach thank you for helping us as a team win so many games & also helping /supporting us. You always come through whenever we need you & we just want to say thank you coach.........also we would like to give you this award.) he said as another boy walked on stage to give the award to him so he could give it to me. I accepted the award & walked over to the mic to speak. I would just like to say thank you all for wanting to give me an award, as much as I love this. I would want to take this time to just doesn't take much to be a decent human treat others with respect, support one another, give a few compliments here & there. As much stuff I have been put through that didn't stop me from being nice to others. I want everyone in this room to challenge yourself to be something more. As long as you give your best that's all that matters.......thank you. I then made my way off the stage & everyone started clapping & cheering. I walked over to my team giving each & every single one of them a hug, I felt some hands wrapped around my waist just to see it was Megan trying to get my attention. Yh meganie? I said & she rolled her eyes that was the lil nickname I gave her when we were close in high school "y/ know that I hate that nameeeee so why continue calling me it?" Umm because I like calling you that anything else ma'am? "Lol well yes it seems like I won the bet" she was smiling hella hard.......who said I was having a good time? "I mean you was just laughing it up with the guys from the team so I assume you were". Okay okay you won meganie I said as I smiled knowing I'm pissing her off by calling her that name. "Y/nnnnnnn stop calling me that 🥺 & where do you plan on taking me?😊" Umm well that's for me to know & for you to find out, But I'm tired so I'm finna head home megan & tell the boys I said thank you so much for this award........matter a fact. I made my way over to my team telling them I'm finna go & thanks for the award. They all were pleading for me to stay but I'm not a big fan of a lot of ppl being in one room. After I gave out some hugs I made my way to the door that said "Exit" & before I could leave out of it..............two of my old highs school bullies were standing in front of the door. Can't lie they both let themselves go..........and I'm not joking they both had dad bodies Yk the round fat stomach with some non connecting beards. It look like they both tried to shave and the razor had other plans lmao. Wsp with y'all standing in front of the door?: I spoke, "How you been bookworm? I see your still a nerd huh?" One of them spoke. "Yh and I see your trying to get with my seconds huh? "How does it feel to be fucking on my-" before he could say anything else I punched him dead in his shit making him fall onto the floor.........god I been waiting for that sooooo long, I stood over him saying: Watch yo fucking mouth we ain't kids no more & whenever you see me & Megan together respect it.........As I started to walk away I stop and said "Oh & you still a BITCH". The other dude quickly moved away from the door letting me leaving while rushing over to what I'm assuming Megan's baby daddy? I was heading out & over to my truck  when I heard Megan yelling for me. I DEFINITELY was not in the mood after I had to drop her bd in front of alot of ppl. I was abt to open my door when Megan quickly closed it looking at me mad & worried. "Y/n Ik you heard me calling after you so why didn't you stop?, are you okay? And what did he say to you baby?"...........

What are you  guys thoughts?

Are y'all proud of y/n?

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