How Have You Been

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Megan Fox POV

Y/n? Y/n y/nn Johnson? he looked at me with this unreadable expression & then proceeded to turn around to walk away

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Y/n? Y/n y/nn Johnson? he looked at me with this unreadable expression & then proceeded to turn around to walk away.........Ik y/n remembers me based off the look he gave me, I told the kids to stay by the cart as I went to chase after him. Damn he walks fast Y/N I yelled causing him to come to a complete stop & turn around. What do you want Megan? he said with so much venom & hate. I want to talk, how have you been these past few years? Based off what I'm looking at he looks like he was doing good for him self. He got buff, looks healthy , & he doesn't wear glasses anymore????......*sighs* I've been fine megan look I really should be going so can you pls get to whatever point your tryna get at? He said while looking at his Apple Watch that's on his wrist. Well umm...... I crossed over my arms, I wanted to apologize for my behavior towards you while we were in high school. Y/n let out a small chuckle.......your sorry??? I quickly nodded my head what I did to you that night was wrong & trust me I- y/n put his hand up signaling me to stop talking . Your not sorry Megan your just........trying to get rid of your guilty conscience but lucky for you I forgave you for your actions the minute I left this shitty town all those years ago. I was shocked I never heard y/n talk like that , I guess that night must've really changed him. And by the look of things you have kids now? I nodded my head, well I hope your raising them to be leaders and not a follower like yourself hmm? I just stood in front of him unaware of what to say. Y/n looked at me with a smirk on his face waiting on

  Y/n looked at me with a smirk on his face waiting on

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me to say something back........damn it's like he
got finner over night most definitely would sit on his face if he would let me.....focus Megan FOCUS. Um yes I'm raising them to be leaders & not followers, but pls don't disrespect me I was very much aware of my doings I didn't NEED anyone to tell me what to do y/n. But I changed I'm not that person anymore......Yk they go to our old high school but I wouldn't have let them go if so much stuff didn't change the way they did. They now have a "no bullying policy" I kinda wish we had that while we were growing up yk? And I did try to look for you after that night but when I went over to your old house a new couple had already moved in & told me you left town....... Yh Megan I did why the hell would I stay in a town full of ppl that considered me a "freak" huh? Y/n said. I- no save it look it was nice running into you ig but I should get going bye Megan & just like that he turned around walking away leaving me to sulk in my thoughts. After a couple of minutes I made my way back to the cart with the boys & we went to pay for our stuff then went home. As I was driving home I just couldn't wrap my head around what happened at the grocery store but I knew one thing for certain I had to get y/n back , I miss him & all the fun we used to have. I could tell by the look on his face that he was just done with shit in general he didn't seem happy. And I wanted to see him again , But luckily we have a reunion coming up so I have to get him to come somehow. I had one mission on my mind and that was to get my man back..................

Can't believe I ran into Megan & she has KIDS now damn can't say im shocked I bet the baby daddy is ole dude from that night that had his arm around her neck. Gotta be I haven't seen no other dude with Megan besides him.........wish that could've been us but ig that won't be happening. Once I turned around walking away from her I went to pay for my things & jogged my way back home , I need to call up that school so I can see when do I start coaching for the football team. As I made my way home I opened my door & headed towards the kitchen to put my groceries away. I pulled out my phone & dialed the school's number that Nick sent to me at first it rang a couple of times then sb finally decided to answer. Hello? I spoke into the phone can I speak to you guys principal? Yes just give me one second the assistant said over the phone. I waited a couple of minutes & he finally came to the phone saying hello this is Mr.Bell how can I help you? Ummm I was thrown off he still works there? Anyway Hi my name is Y/n Y/nn Johnson & I heard you guys wanted me to coach for the football team correct? Aaaaa yes I'm glad you gave us a call Mr. Johnson the position is still yours if you want it you can actually start tomorrow if you want, But make sure your here by 8:00a.m that's when school begins. Okay guess I'll be seeing you guys soon I said, yes we will indeed Mr.Johnson have a good one he said as he hung up the phone. I never really liked that man he would sometimes "ACT" like he didn't see ppl bullying me in school lame ass man ong........hope tmw goes smoothly

How do you guys think tmw will go for y/n?
994 words

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