Nerd Ways

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2weeks Later..........

I was currently sitting at home on my laptop trying to come up with some good game plans for my team. The last game we had we won but I feel as tho we could've been better , I didn't tell the guys because after all we won the game. And afterwards I took all of them out to celebrate OH by the way Nick & Ryan were there too including Megan as well. It seemed like old times we all were cracking jokes, smiling, & laughing but of course some good things come to an end & reality starts to kick in, And you remember ALL of the shit you were trying to forget years ago. As I was thinking back on that night there was a knock at my door. I got up to check & see who it was, as I looked through the peep hole I saw Megan standing there awkwardly I wonder what she's doing here? & how did she get my address? Megan what are you doing here? And how did you get my address? I asked her as I was opening the door. "Oh nick gave it to me silly" she said as she was laughing. "I see you still were glasses", I touched my face & I totally forgot I had my glasses on. Ummm Yh I hate wearing contacts , the only time I put them on is in public. But whenever I'm home I just put my glasses on that way no one can judge me or call me "snotty bookworm" Megan looked at me with sympathy before she quickly got rid of the look & asked me can she come in. I stepped out of the way letting her come inside. So what do I owe the pleasure of you  visiting me Megan? "Well.....I just was wondering what do you have plan this Saturday?"Ummm I-I don't really have much to do w-why?....... "because I was wondering if maybe your interested in going-". No megan I'm good, I said as I made my way over to my couch to sit down. She soon followed & sat on top of my lap making me feel something I never felt before. Umm M-Megan I-I think you should get up. "No but I think you should go out with me this Saturday" Megan I don't think that's a good- "your going & that's final" *sighs* okay where are we going? "Umm WeRe GoInG tO OuR HiGh ScHOoL ReUnIoN" she said as she was mumbling.......huh? I don't think I heard you correctly. Did you say we're going to our High School Reunion? Yea NO I said, I stood up quickly making her fall off my lap & onto the couch. Why tf would I want to go to that? "Y/n........Ik that-" No you don't know SHIT I'm not going back to that hell hole megan. "Baby pls I promise you won't regret it" she got off the couch & walked up to me standing on her tippy toes whispering in my ear. "What can I do to change your mind?". Uhh-uhh w-what? I started stuttering....... "You heard me WHAT CAN I DO TO CHANGE YOUR MIND" she said as she was moving her hand down to my dick. Megan stop , I grabbed her hand & picked her up while she wrapped her legs around my waist, I started making my way up stairs to my bedroom laying us both down. I gently start running my hands through her hair. Megan you don't have to seduce me into going somewhere with you, I just don't want to go to the reunion that school has gave me nothing but trauma & you know that. "Yh but I just feel like you should show up & show others how well you've done for yourself you know?, I mean Megan I don't need to prove to anyone that I've been doing well for myself, I also don't have to show off to anyone......... "Okay fine well how abt this let's make a deal. If you come to the reunion with me as my date & it doesn't turn out to be fun for you I'll do whatever you want for the remaining week." "But if I win the bet & you do end up having a good time you have to take me out on a date DEAL?" DEAL I said as we where laying down on my bed. And just like that for the rest of the night we stayed up watching tv & talking abt the reunion & what we were going to wear. The only way I was going was if my friends Nick & Ryan were going . I waited until Megan fell asleep to give the guys a call to ask if they were going as well........

Megan POV

Ik what your probably thinking since when did you & y/n become so close to the point he lets you come over? Well these past few weeks we've had no choice but to get close due to the point his my kids new football coach

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Ik what your probably thinking since when did you & y/n become so close to the point he lets you come over? Well these past few weeks we've had no choice but to get close due to the point his my kids new football coach. It was kinda rocky at first but eventually we put our past behind us so that the kids wouldn't be put in a weird position. So when I showed up to his house today to ask him to go to the reunion with me I thought he would say yes but that was very stupid of me knowing what he's been through, I had to get him to come somehow because of the surprise that me & the football team has plan. We all wanted to give him a "best football team coach award" a longgggg title Ik but we just wanted him to know that he's appreciated. Lately the team has been doing nothing but winning games non-stop, & I knew the reunion was coming up so why not have him to come there & show ppl how much we love & care abt him , while showing what he has achieved......rn he's up on the phone talking to Nick & Ryan abt it little does he know that they're apart of the plan as well. Everyone that knows y/n wanted to get in on the plan & show up at the reunion to show y/n how much we appreciate him. Once I told Nick then he told Ryan who then went & told his parents & they went to tell a few other ppl abt it that knew y/n I was so happy & excited abt it I can't wait.

What do you guys think is going to happen at the reunion?

How do you think y/n going to react to the surprise?

Do you guys believe Y/n & Megan will go on that date?

Who's going to win the bet?

1126 words

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