Chapter Two: The Story Begins

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"So, Lucy. Do you plan to join a guild?"

Lucy turned from where she was wiping down a table to see her boss, who insisted on being called by her nickname, Minnie, standing behind the counter, leaning against it, with a pleasant smile on her aged face. The cafe was empty, not a surprise since they were about an hour away from closing time.

The blonde teenager continued cleaning the table in front of her. She answered, "yeah, I plan to eventually. I'm not sure when I'll do it though, or which guild I'll join."

The older woman chuckled lightly. She responded, "I know two mages myself. One is from Fairy Tail and one is from Sabertooth."

Lucy sat her rag down on the table. She turned around to face her boss before raising an eyebrow and inquiring, "Sabertooth? Isn't that the new guild that was just created late last year?"

Minnie nodded her head. She stated, "It's grown at a surprising rate, I must say."

Lucy nodded. "I've heard of Fairy Tail, kinda hard not to, honestly." The women laughed, both knowing how infamous Fairy Tail has become for its wild guild members.

Minnie gave a silent sigh as she spoke again, "anyways if you're interested in joining either of those guilds, I'd be happy to invite one of my friends to come here for a visit." She then added, "in case you have any questions, of course."

Lucy smiled. "What are your friends' names?"

"The one from Fairy Tail is Makarov Dreyar. The one from Sabertooth is Clover Lore."

Lucy's brown eyes widened. She sputtered out, "D-Did you j-just say that y-you are friends with Fairy Tail's guild master?!"

Minnie chuckled while she nodded. She walked around the counter and approached Lucy. The older woman studied the table that her new employee had just finished cleaning. After giving a nod of approval she picked up the rag and walked back over to the counter. She sat the rag on top of the counter and turned to Lucy, finally giving a verbal response to her shocked employee, "Yes, Makarov and I are good friends. He came in here several years ago with his grandson when the boy was still a toddler. Being the child-loving woman that I am, I just couldn't stop gushing over the kid. Makarov and I got along quite well. Since then, the old geezer comes by every now and then to complain about his guild to me, although he says that he's just visiting."

Lucy nodded with an amused smile. She then asked in curiosity, "does his grandson ever come by as well?"

Minnie nodded. "Not as often as his grandfather, but every now and then when he has a job nearby he, and often times three of his friends, will stop by for some coffee and pastries."

Lucy smiled at that. She would love to meet Fairy Tail's guild master, as well as this grandson of his. She hasn't heard much about Makarov's grandson, in fact, she only knows his name, but she was sure that if he was anything like his grandfather, then she'll like him. She's heard quite a bit about Master Makarov, him being very kind and warm-hearted being the most prevalent thing she's heard about him.

Minnie then asked, "how much do you know about Fairy Tail, dear?"

Lucy leaned against the table behind her as she answered, "I don't know what any of them look like, and I haven't really heard all that much, but what I do know is that they have a very kind guild master, they value their guildmates, and they're a very wild guild."

Minnie laughed. "Yes, that's all correct."

Lucy decided to change the topic to the other guild that had been mentioned previously, "what about Sabertooth? Since they're new, I don't know anything about them."

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