Chapter Three: Cana Alberona

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Cana sat in her favorite bar in Crocus. She had just finished a job and decided to stay in a hotel nearby and drink to her heart's content before heading back to Magnolia. She gave a sigh as she sat down her mug of alcohol. She slung an arm over the back of her chair and crossed one leg over the other. She stared at her many empty mugs of alcohol, contemplating if she should go on to her hotel or continue drinking just a bit longer.

Her mind wandered to the job she had finished just a few hours ago. A few days ago, she had found a job request that was looking for a mage to act as a security guard at a large auction that might have been a target for an attack. Nobody tried anything at the auction, which was pretty good, but Cana was bored out of her mind during the event. She was happy with the reward money though, eight-hundred-thousand jewel. That was a deal sealer for her.

The card mage turned around in her chair to look back at the bartender and wave her hand at him, signaling that she wanted another mug of alcohol before she turned back around to face the table she was sitting at alone. She moved her thoughts to her guild. While she was bored, and has been since taking her just-finished job, she was quite happy to be away from Fairy Tail for a few days.

She loved her guildmates, she truly did, but that didn't mean that she loved to be around them and their destructive rowdiness all the time. She wasn't exactly looking forward to getting dragged into their brawls and getting tables and chairs thrown at her, but a small part of her missed the guild that she practically grew up in.

Cana's attention was moved to the bartender when he sat down four mugs of alcohol on the table in front of her. She gave him a "thank you" before picking one up and bringing it to her lips. She began downing the mugs one by one. She had gotten to her last mug when she spotted a pretty blonde bolt inside and over to an empty table. The blonde sat down, panting and looking shaken.

Cana sat her mug down as she watched the young woman. Her golden blonde hair was slightly messed up, she was unnaturally pale with noticeable beads of sweat sliding down her temple. Her chocolate-brown eyes were blown wide, glistening with unshed tears. She was panting with a hand to her chest as if she was trying to calm her rapid heartbeat. On her right cheek was a fairly large scrap, small drops of blood emerging from the injury and sliding down her cheek.

Cana shifted out of her relaxed position and stiffened as she continued to watch with worry, casting her dark eyes towards the door a few times, wondering if she had been chased by some pervert. The blonde began to visibly calm down. Her shoulders slumped slightly and her breathing appeared to become more even. She relaxed a little in her chair before suddenly becoming panicked again, jumping to her feet, and rushing to the door.

Cana slammed her full mug on the table before reaching into her purse, pulling out some jewel, and setting the money on the table. She then stood up and ran after the blonde woman. Her mind began to race with what could have possibly caused the pretty woman to become so distressed as she weaved through the crowded bar and pushed open the door. She came to an immediate stop when her eyes fell onto the young woman, kneeling on the ground in front of a puddle of vomit. The Fairy Tail mage leaned closer to peer at the bile, quickly noticing two cylindrical pills resting in the puddle.

Cana looked at the blonde, worry engulfing her. Was she okay? Did she need help? What the hell happened? She managed to ask, "are you alright?"

The blonde whipped around, looking up at her with fear and confusion clear on her face and in her dark eyes. Cana kneeled down, careful to not touch her and keep a bit of distance between the two of them. She questioned gently, "do you need help?" Her brows were knitted together with concern.

The blonde placed a hand over her mouth, continuing to stare at her with fear. Cana then realized that she was foolish to think that this obviously distressed woman would instantly trust her. In an effort to put her at ease, the brunette mage stood up and turned slightly, making sure that her Fairy Tail guild mark was visible in the moonlight and the light that came from the bar behind the two women. She watched as the blonde seemed to relax.

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