Chapter 15

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"No-" his voice broke, questioning what I've just said, I turned my back I couldn't face him, not like this. "You have no feelings for me at all, not even a tiny ounce of love for me?" And by this point I could tell he was crying I could hear his sniffling and voice trembling. I bit hard on my lip tasting blood and shook my head, tears silently trailed down my face.

I heard his footsteps get faint as the front door shut close, and at that moment I let myself collapse onto my knees crying, I curled up in a ball, my legs tucked to my chest. The pain of my heart braking in a thousand pieces, worse than I could ever could imagine. I felt this emptiness inside of me, the feeling of loss.

My tears streamed down my face as I whimpered, screamed. I couldn't take it I just couldn't, Ive lost him forever, this was the hardest thing I've ever done.

I regained myself enough to sit myself on the couch, I felt numb, how could I let the one person I love slip out of my hands so easily?

I felt no pain just this emptiness eating me away, I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath. Stay strong Liv you've been through worse you can pull through this. But I don't think I have been through worse I have never felt like this before.

I don't know what I am going to do, I still have to do my acting and that means seeing ian but I don't think I am strong enough to even look at him.

I can just imagine him standing, his eyes filled with betrayal and sadness, his cheeks damp from crying, him feeling as if we were never real, as if I never loved him, as if it was all a game to me. It breaks my heart even more to think that he thinks that, and to see him so hurt and the fact that I caused him this pain destroys me.

I sit here my mind wondering what he thinks of me, tears slowly beginning to trail down my dampened cheeks.

"Liv" I hear the to familiar feminine voice from behind, I didn't even hear her come in. I just wanted to be alone just me and my thoughts, no questions and no talking.

"Are you ok? Liv!" Lauren walks towards the couch kneeling down in front of me a worried look formed onto her face. She grabbed hold of my hands squeezing them tight " Liv talk to me! What's happened" Her face looked puzzled trying to figure out what's happened.

I keep on staring straight ahead remaining silent, I couldn't get anything out if I wanted to, my mouth was dry and I had no words to say. I couldn't tell her what had just happened, I didn't want to relive it.

"Liv" she screamed at me, her voice becoming more and more concerned. I directed my eyes at her, I couldn't ignore her, it wasn't fair on her. I didn't say anything but I wrapped my arms around her small petite body as my tears feel from my eyes onto her T-shirt forming fresh stains.

"Everything will be alright" She whispered soothingly into my ear, I felt a little bit of warmth in my body, knowing I had her here for me, knowing she was the only person that cared for me.

But right now I couldn't tell her anything, I knew she would go and talk to Nina the minute she found out, or she would go and talk to Ian, but I couldn't let her be at risk from Nina.

Nina may have ruined my relationship with Ian but she will never get the chance to hurt Lauren.

But I can't ever stop loving Ian , I just can't! I'm just going to have to keep on acting like he means nothing to me, I'll be just acting.


Hey guys, I know it's short but I wanted update this small section as I'm hoping the next chapter will be quite a long one :p

I love writing just acting but I don't know weather you guys like it as much as I do so if I don't get 15 votes and at least 5 people's comments I won't be updating the next chapter.

I love hearing what you guys think and I'm grateful to the ones that docomment and vote, but I think people are getting a bit bored with this story now and if they are there's no point updating :/ so if you want more of Liv and Ian vote,comment! Love you guys xox

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