Chapter 10

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Liv's PoV:

"Liv wake up" I hear Ian's soft voice say looking down at my sprawled body across the bed. I look up at him and see his smile grow as I stretch my arms out.

I must have fallen back asleep when getting back in bed with Ian.

I sit up against my head board and Ian places a tray across my lap with egg, bacon and toast on it. My smile grows as I smell the food and look back up to Ian.

" Wow you didn't have to do this" I say to him gesturing to the food.

" Well I thought it would be a nice thing to do." He says still smiling at me. I pat the empty bit of bed next me and he hops back into bed with me.

I take my first bite of food and the flavours cause me to moan and eat it faster. I hear Ian's chuckles next to me as he watches me eat.

" Did you enjoy that" He says with an amused tone in his voice. I nodded at him answering his question.

I lean in and give him a peck on the cheek. " thank you " I say to him.

" You need to hurry up and get ready" He says kissing my forehead and getting up. I look at him in confusion.

" Why?" I asked.

" Because we're going out" He says with one of his famous side smirks.

" Ok where we going" I say to him.

"It's a surprise so hurry up and we can go" He says walking out the room.

I grunt and head towards my shower and get in. after washing I put on a small flowery dress and some flats and a little makeup and head down the stairs.

Ian was sitting on the couch tapping away on his phone. He looks up at me and smiles as he puts his phone away back into his pocket.

" Ready" He says.

" Yup" I say popping the 'p'.

He walks towards me and grabs my hand and we walk out of the door together with our fingers interwind.


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