Chapter 17

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Paul walked towards me, Lauren and Nina his expression as if he had just seen a ghost, my face gave him a questioning look. He had just been in a 30 minute phone call with Ian? Or was he speaking to someone else? As Paul walked towards us, his eyes looked glossy and I could tell he was fighting back his tears.

"What's Happened" I ask Paul and I can see the grave look on his face as I ask him, I see a tear ascape his eye and it flows down his face and I start to get worried and I can tell Lauren and Nina both have the same expressions as me.

"It's-It's Ian" He stutters struggling to say his sentence. "He's been in an accident" Paul syas and my heart drops, I can't believe this, I have to see him, I have to see if he's alright. I rush out the doors behind me and into the parking lot and unlock my car door, but before I can shut it a hand stops me, Lauren.

"Where ae you going?" She says.

"I have to see Ian, I have to know he's ok" I say to her tears starting to make my vision go foggy, she lets out a sigh.

"Liv are you sure you want to see him, Paul said he's not in a good state" She says, looking very worried at me.

"I don't care, I love him Lauren I need to know he's ok, I need to be with him" I say and she gives me a small nod letting go of the door and I shut it close. I pull my car out of the lot and drive away from the studio, heading towards the hospital.

Driving to the hospital, my head goes to the last thing I ever said to Ian I told him I didn't love him, and that might have been the last thing I ever said to him and I couldn't bare that too happen. I love him too much to let him go without knowing I love him, I've missed him so much over the last couple of days and I can't let the thought of never seeing him again slip in.

Driving up to the hospital parking lot, I rush quickly and once I have parked my car I run towards the hospital doors swinging them open and rushing towards the reseption area.

"I'm looking for a Mr.Somerhalder, can you tell me what floor he's on?"I ask gasping for air as I spoke. The women behind the desk look startled, but she quickly typed away at her computer.

"Floor 3 room 203, but Miss I'm sorry, I can't allow you to go in unless your a relative" She says giving me sorry look and at that moment, I don't know what went through my head.

"I'm his sister Liv Somerhalder" I say to her rushing towards the lift, before she had a chance to reply.

I jump in the lift as I see 3 or people standing there one on crutches and two other people standing next to them.I probably looked a mess but I didn't care at tht moment all I cared about was Ian.

Once the lift doors opened I rushed onto the 3rd floor heading straight to room 203, once I was outside the room, i braced myself for what I was about to whittness. Did I want to see him like this?

I opened the door slowly and I couldn't believe what I was seeing, my breathing hitched and my knees felt weak, I fell to the floor next to Ian's hospital bed. The tears streamed down my face as I let out small whimpers. I couldn't believe this, I couldn't believe my own eyes but I had to.



So I know this chapter is quite short but i've been very busy and wanted to update something even if it was as short as this.

I hope you enjoyed reading this, pleas please comment what you thought because it helps me write my story and I love hearing what you guys think and I take it into consideration when writing. I also want to know what you guys think is going to happen next in this story with Liv and Ian.

So please comment and vote, Love you lot :)

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