Chapter 20

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So guys this is going to be the last chapter of this book and I just wanted to let you know before you start reading, I'm not sure about writing a sequel so please comment your thoughts. Here we go :) xox


I hear the sound of Ian's machine beep and create similar sounds signalling he's conscious, he's alive, he's not gone. I lift my head off of the side of Ian's bed and look at him, his pail cheeks developing colour, his chest rising and falling. I wipe my tears with my sleeve and grab a hold of his hand and smile.


"Ian baby, it's me, it's Liv" I say and feel my heart lift seeing him almost conscious, seeing him breath on his own gives me so much hope.

I watch as his eyelids twitch and I let out sharp breaths as he comes back to life, his eyes slowly open and I look into his blue ocean eyes and feel the warmth within me reawaken and a sense of happiness and joy takes over me. I look up at Paul who seems to be smiling widely with fresh tears spilling from his eyes and Nina looks shocked, stunned almost.

For a minute Ian sits there and stares up at the ceiling releasing shallow breaths after turning his head to look at me and a look of confusion crosses his face, who eyebrow lifts as he tilts his head. Why is he doing that? Why is he looking at me like that? He looks up at Paul and Nina and a smile crosses his face, he tries lifting himself up, but two of the nurses in the room help him up and he sits with his back against the hospital bed pillows.

Still holding his hand, I move myself over to kiss him on the lips but he moves his head out the way and pulls his hand away from me, my heart sinks. I look at him and he gives me a questioning look as if to say 'why did you just do that?'

"Sorry do I know you?" He says, with a questioning look, his eyes search mine as I stare back at him, he's joking right?

"Ian" I chuckle "It's Liv, stop messing about" I say with humour.

"I'm sorry I don't know who you are" He says a soft voice falling from his lips, I feel the tears pricking at my eyes. I stand away from him and look up at the doctor and he nods.

"Ok Ian, I'm just going to ask a few questions, are you ok to answer them?" The doctor asks him and he nods. "Ok Ian, do you know the two people standing to my right?" He asks looking at him concerned.

"yup, that's Paul and my girlfriend Nina" He says pointing at Paul and Nina and his eyes light up as he looks at Nina. He use to look at me like that. I feel the warm tears fall down my cheek, I feel crushed inside.

"Hmm ok, and how old are you?" The doctor asks. Ian just smiles and laughs.

"32, Why?" He asks humour clear in his tone. My face drops, no this can't be happening, Paul and Nina both look at each other knowing that's not right.

"Ian your 36 and it's 2015" Paul says, sadness taking over him.

"No it's 2011" He says and looks confused like a lost puppy and seeing him like this makes my heart brake, I let out a small sigh and look at the doctor for answers.

"No Ian the year is 2015" The doctor says and looks down at his clipboard. "It looks like because Ian took high impact to his skull in the accident it may have caused damage to the brain therefore it has caused Ian to have memory loss, not remembering the last 4 years of his life " The doctor says and sighs looking at his clipboard.

"But it will come back to him won't it?" I say barley able to speak.

"I'm not to sure, things may trigger the past but some things may be lost forever, I would suggest to try and reawaken his memories to put him back to as normal routine as possible" The doctor says and he walks towards me placing a hand on my shoulder and whispering in my ear. "I'm sorry, I really am" he says and walks away.

Nina had positioned herself next to Ian on the bed his arm wrapped around her waist pulling her close to him, and I feel in the pit of my stomach a pain I've never felt but I don't like it. All three of them Paul, Nina and Ian all talking together and smiling and laughing and that's when I realised he didn't need me. He would be so much better off without me, and it can give him a fresh start with out me.

"Bye Ian, I love you." I say under my breath as I wipe the tears away and walk out the room into the hallway, I turn back around looking through the blinds and catch his eye, he stares at me, this is the last time I will ever look into those piercing blue eyes of his, I still remember the first time I ever looked into them.

I shut my eyes taking in a deep breath and walk away.

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