Chapter 9

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Liv's PoV:

Sitting here on the couch is the worst thing that I could be doing right now. I should be off my bum trying to speak to Ian about what happened yesterday.

He hasn't spoken to me or text so I know that he might just be thinking the same thing.

I dread even seeing Nina again after yesterday. It would be quite hard turning up at the studio again. I'm just going to pretend I'm sick for a couple of days to decide what I want to do.

I heard a knock at the door that pulled me out of my thoughts. I stumble into my feet as I walked towards the door. I open the door to come face to face with Ian.

He had big black rings under his beautiful blue eyes which showed he had been up all night. I think that I didn't look much different from him.

"Ian come in" I say to him flatly as I had no energy to put any emotion behind it. He walked past me and into my house and turned back round to me and ran his hands through his hair.

" Should we talk " I say to him as he walked towards me. He just took my face and pecked my lips. He pulled away he was such a tease. I slowly leant in and my lips slowly crashed into his.

The kiss started off slowly as I put my hands on his head and ran my fingers through his hair. As I tugged on his hair he groaned into my mouth.

The kiss started to quicken as I felt my back fall against the wall behind me. His lips started moving down my neck as he kissed it slowly leaving love bites trailing down my neck.

His lips moved back to mine as he bit my lip asking for entrance and our tongues started fighting over domination and he won.

He started to move me towards the bedroom and he pushed me into the bed not braking the kiss. His hands started to move down to the bottom of my shirt as he lifted it up revealing my bra.

I started to remove his shirt and I found myself staring at his body. He was gorgeous with no flaws at all and it made me want him more.


I woke up to find myself on Ian's bear chest slowly rising and falling as he breathed slowly. I felt my stomach flutter at the thought of me in Ian's arms.

I slowly tried getting out of bed without waking Ian as I was really hungry. Before I could get up I felt his hand grab me and pull me back into bed.

" Don't go" He said softly in his groggy voice as he pulled me into his arms.

" I won't but I'm hungry" I said as my stomach growled.

" Ok but just a few more minutes" He said holding me closer to him.

I never wanted him to let go I wish time would just freeze right now at this moment as I lay here.

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