Chapter 5

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I woke up and did what i did every morning and got dressed and had something to eat and drink and waited for Lol to come and pick me up. Whilst i was waiting I turned on the TV and I saw pictures all over the latest gossip shows of me and Ian last night, in the cafe laughing and eating and then there was one of him kissing my cheek. Oh No! They were asking who I was and was asking if we were dating and how Nina would think of this of him moving on so quickly.

When I checked my twitter account I had loads of new followers and people askig questions like.


Are you and Ian Somerhalder dating? xox


Stay away from Ian he should be with Nina!

And loads of other questions a lot of hate as i was scrolling through Ian had obviously seen all of the tweets and questions. He tweeted saying that me and him were just friends and we were just having some dinner and there was nothing between us. I felt relieved when i saw that tweet and i made me calm down.

5 Minutes later i heard the door bell ring as i answered it i saw Lol with her hands on her hips looking angry i looked at her confused.

" When were you planning on telling me about Ian and you" She said frustrated. As i shrugged at her.

"There was nothing to tell, I left my phone at the set and he returned it back and we went to get something to eat end of story were just friends" I said smiling at her walking to her car and getting in.

" Okay if you say so" She said looking at me calming down but a little bit of anger in her eyes. Once we got to the set. Ian grabbed me by the hand and pulled me into the corner.

" We need to talk" he said softly but i could tell he was quite tense by looking into his eyes.

" Yep whats up?" I said looking at him.

" Have you seen the pictures?" He said as i nodded.

"Have you seen the tweets?"

" Yeh well i tried to ignore them, but what does it matter were just friends and that's all and you told them that so i don't know why your getting so worked up" I said a little confused.

" It's just Nina seems a little annoyed about all this so i'm just warning you that she might be a bit weird towards you as you know she thinks there's something going on between us" I started laughing at what he just said and he joined in.

" Do you and Lauren wanna come with me and Paul to get some coffee after today?" He asked all of a sudden. I nodded my head.

" Yeh ok" I said and then we entered the room to where all the others were and Lol gave me a really funny look when me and Ian entered the room. I went over to Lol and told her about going for some coffee with Ian and Paul and she agreed. After a day of watching them shoot scenes of the Vampire Diaries me and Lol went in the car to go and meet Paul and Ian at a coffee shop round the corner. I walked in with Lol and saw Paul and Ian siting at a table and we walked over to them.

"Hey guys" Me and Lol said in unison and smiled as we sat down.

"Hey" Paul and Ian said one after the other smiling at us.

We sat there chatting all together and we got to know each other quite well and we all became quite close as we met up after a day at the set. It had been two weeks since i first met Ian but we became quite close during that time same with Paul and so did Lol. I was talking to Lol about tomorrow because thats when me and Ian were doing the kissing scene.

"So you excited about tomorrow?" She said sounding really excited.

"Not really, please remember that we are just acting" I said getting quite frustrated with her.

"Yeh right" She said quietly under her breath thinking that i couldn't hear her.

"what do you mean?" I said confused.

" Well isn't quite obvious" She said whilst chuckling, I still looked at her confused and she rolled her eyes.

" Ian likes you, it's quite funny how you haven't noticed the way that he looks at you" She said whilst laughing.

" No he doesn't were just really good friends" I said looking at her seriously.

"Ok, whatever you say" She said whilst waving me off.

"Do you wanna have a movie night?" I said whilst trying to change the subject.

"Yeh do you wanna invite Ian and Paul over?" She said whilst smirking a little bit. I nodded my head i agreement and she grabbed her phone out of her pocket and rang them. 30 minutes later Ian and Paul showed up with popcorn in there hands. They walked in and sat on the couch as i told them what movies were on.

" What do you guys wanna watch?" I said looking at all three of them.

" A Horror" Paul and Ian said in unison and me and Lol exchanged looks looking a bit un sure.

"Why not" I said smiling and shrugging. We all agreed to watch Insidious 1 so i put on the movie and sat next to Ian. The order of where we were sitting was Paul then Lol then Ian then me. I was watching it and at every jumping moment I found myself in Ian's arms it felt so safe and warm to be in his arms. He would laugh at me every time i shrieked and i would smack him playfully on the arm. Once the movie was over i went into the kitchen to get some more popcorn when i saw Ian come in.

"Where do you keep your glasses?" He said looking at me .

"In here" I said pointing at a cupboard right above my head. He moved towards me and came inches away from my face as he reached for the glass and i turned around to him and we stared into each others eyes. His lips crashed on too mine kissing me passionately as i put my arms round his neck and ran my hands through his hair as i stood on my toes to reach him. He lifted me up onto the counter so i could reach him and we were there kissing one another slowly as i felt my hole body go on fire as we moved our lips in time with each other.

"Liv?" I heard and me and Ian stopped kissing and turned around to see Lol standing there confused as i turned bright red.


Thank you guys for reading ;) xox

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