Chapter 1

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I woke up to a buzzing Noise next to me I grumbled as I went to reach my phone. The caller ID read 'Lol' my best friend lauren.

"Yes" I said angrily.

"Liv you will never guess what!"

She said shouting into the phone causing me to jump. I groaned and turned to look at the clock next to me it read 04:00.

"Can't this wait until the morning it's 4 am" I said moaning.

"No! check your email I just got accepted into the performing arts college we applied for last year, what about you?" she said really excited.

"hang on just checking my email" I said whilst getting my laptop out and scrolling through my email until I saw one saying I got accepted.

"OMG I got in I got in, we start next week" I said sounding really excited suddenly wide awake.

" Yes we both got in together I'm really excited, I'll speak to you tomorrow when we go shopping"

"Ok night "

"Night" And I hung up the phone feeling really excited as I Just got excepted into the best performing arts college in the country.I could actually become and actress if I wanted to and with that thought I drifted off to sleep.


I woke up and got ready for my day out in town with Lol. I showered and washed my hair and blow dried it then curled the ends. I had long browny blonde hair that came to my waist and I had thin long legs with a slim body.

Once I was ready I called Lol to come and pick me up whilst I was waiting I put on the Tv watching this programme called The vampire Diaries it looked really good. I was watching it carefully as one day I would like to act In a programme like this and I was thinking about how the actors portrayed there characters when the door bell rang pulling me out of my thoughts.

I opened the door to find Lol standing there with a grin on her face.

"Hey lol , why you so happy?"

"Liv we just got into the best performing arts school in the country of corse I'm going to be happy!"

"Ok well can we go now" I said gesturing to her car. she nodded and i walked behind her into the passengers seat. she drove to the mall where there were loads of shops to go in.

"Did you hear Josh's having a party tonight" Lol said whilst getting over excited as she does.

" Yeh he texted me yesterday about it and asked me if I wanted to go"

"So shall we go, cause I really wanna go and I kinda like him"

"Yeh why not and I think he likes you too cause he wanted me to ask if you wanted to go" I said winking at her whilst trying to find a dress for tonight.

"What do you think?" Holding up a dress in front of me. It Had a light blue bottom half with a laced white top half and came half way up my thigh.

" Really pretty you should get it, what do you think about this dress" she said holding up a plain black dress with a laced hem at the bottom which really suited her.

"Yeh that looks good it really suits you" I said smiling at her and after that we went to pay for the dresses and wondered around getting some more clothes.

When we were about to leave I saw a bunch of girls crowd around this man who was tall with dark hair and blue eyes he looked really familiar. Lol screamed shaking me.

"Omg Liv that's Ian Somerhalder" I looked her confused and shrugged at her which made her look at me weirdly.

"What do you live in a cave or something, he's Damon Salvatore from The Vampire diaries I love him so much" And that's when I remembered I saw him on Tv this morning.

"Can I quickly go and get an autograph please before we leave" she said pouting at me. I rolled my eyes and sighed.

"Fine" She grabbed my arm with a big grin on her face.

"Hey............ can I have an autograph please" she said grabbing a pen and piece of paper out of her bag causing me to roll my eyes and cross my arms. I don't understand why girls go all fan girly over one guy I mean he's just a guy.

"Yeh sure love what's your name?" He said whilst She squealed with excitement.

"Lauren, I'm a huge fan!" she said with the biggest smile on her face.

" Oh nice to meet you Lauren and what about your friend does she want an autograph?" He said whilst giving her a signed piece of paper and looking up at me smiling.

"No I'm ok thanks" I said putting on a fake smile " Can we go now" I said looking at Lol frustrated.

"Yeh, see you later Ian" she said whilst looking back at Ian whilst I dragged her away.

"Bye Lauren hope to see you soon" Ian said smiling at Lauren.

" As if " I said under my breath.

We walked to the car with lol still smiling as I turned on the radio listening to some music as Lol started talking about how amazing Ian Somerhalder was and i really didn't care.

Once I got in it was now 5:00pm and I was getting ready for the party that started at 7:00pm. I quickly got ready and went down stairs waiting for Lol to come pick me up and the door bell went I looked at my clock it was only 6:30 so It couldn't have been Lol. I opened the door only to find Ian Somerhalder.

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