I'm here

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Reid x male reader
part 2


(m/r) POV

    When I wake up I look around and see that I'm tied to a chair. "Oh your finally awake, you know your so beautiful." I look up and see a camera and a speaker, I look at the floor. "HEY LOOK AT ME!? Look at me and smile don't be sad about anything."

    I look up to the camera and smile letting them be in control. "May I ask why I am here?" "You are here so that you can stay with me and never get hurt, my princess." Then I hear the door open and a man comes towards me.

    "Why don't you listen I know what, you need to be taught a lesson." I try to back away but I can't and he grabs me pulling me closer. Then he caresses my face and my arms. But then he slaps me then starts to punch me harshly.

   He walks out but comes back with a bat and starts hitting me with it. Then he leaves grabbing more things to hit me with. Soon I can't even remember what he had hit me with. After that he start to just beat me with his bear hands.

    I cry out from the pain and he laughs at me as I sit in the chair. He leaves soon taping my wrists together. When he leaves I start to pass out from exhaustion. But then I smell something, it made me want to throw up.

    There was a dead body with a pool of blood surrounding them. I gasp as I see it and look to them to see if they might be ok. As I sweat more from the heat the tape around my wrist start to slip off. When I get out of it I try to get to the woman but I fall.

    "Heh guess you can't do anything can you? Let me help with the pain right I can help you with your pain." He grabs me again and ties me onto the chair with ropes. Then he leaves me in the room but then I see gas and start coughing.

    I start not being able to breathe and start hyperventilating. "It's going to be okay, I'll get us both out of here I promise." As I say that I look at the person laying on the ground. Soon I start to pass out again and let my head fall.

    When I wake up again I see a camera in front of me and look at it. "You see I made a deal with your friends, so you can talk with them." I look at the camera and I try to think clearly."Can you please tell us where you are right now (m/r)?"

    "I don't know where I am right now but there's a woman. She needs help right now I don't know what to do." "That's alright just give us details to how the place looks." When I look at the camera I shake a little afraid.

    "It's cold, it has rust, and it is a room but no windows. This place smells horrible and-" I stop talking and stare at him. The man smiles at me and I try looking away but he gets angry. "DAMN IT YOU LITTLE FUCK!

    You know it's all your fault that this happened to you." I start to scream in pain as he starts hitting me again. Then the camera beeps and he stops looking at it. "See they never cared for you they don't want you."

Reid POV

    As the camera stops recording we all sigh and get anxious. I walk out of the room angry, we haven't found (m/r) in 3 weeks. When I come back to the room I sigh but then hear clicking. "Wait! Wait I got it, I have the location to where he is!

    (m/r) is at **** **** **** go get him guys!" We all thank Garcia and we go there and see a big cabin. We walk in carefully holding our guns and we find him. "HANDS IN THE AIR NOW! RIGHT NOW!"

    He puts his hands up and then we handcuff him. "Your never going to find him" he glances at the floor smiling. Derek and I start knocking on the wooden floors. We find a couple of hallow pieces and take it off revealing stairs.

    We nod at each other and some of the other come with us. Still cautious and we walk down with our guns in hand. Then I see (m/r) tied to a chair and I untie him trying to wake him up. "(m/r) come on wake up please come on stay with me you have to."

    I pick him up and soon the ambulance gets there. They take him and I ride with them to the hospital. Soon I have to wait in the waiting room and then they allow me to see him. I fall asleep sitting in the room with him that night.

(m/r) POV

    When I wake up I gasp a little and sit up quickly afraid. "Hey it's okay I'm here (m/r) don't worry. Look at me it's okay now (m/r) he can't hurt you." I nod my head as Reid holds my hands keeping them warm.

    "Thank you Reid, thank you so much Reid." He smiles warmly at me and then hugs me gently. "I have a question though there was no woman there with you." When Reid says that I start to frown and I look down.

    "I thought that it was someone I'm sorry but Reid I have something important to tell you." He looks at me anxiously and I give him a serious look. "When I was there it made me think about things I never thought. But I couldn't get someone out of my head it was you, Reid.

    Reid I can't live without you and I don't want to live without you. Will you please be my boyfriend, Reid?" He smiles at me with a large blush on his face. "Yeah... YEAH I would love it (m/r) I was actually going to say that to you later.

    But I didn't have to my answer is still yes though (m/r). I have always loved you and I will always love you, forever." We smile at each other and I hold his hand a little tighter. Then he kisses my hands and cheeks with a smile on his face.
1090 words

Male x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now