Warm and cold blooded

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Edward Cullen x hybrid male reader

(m/r) POV

    I laugh jumping through the air with Jackup as he chases me. "You can't catch me~" but then there was a large thing. So I jumped over it but when I turned to Jacob growls. "Get back over here (m/r) that side is those vampires place.

    Come on come back over here!" Once I landed on the ground I giggle sticking my tongue out. But then I heard a branch snap in back of me. When I turn I see a tall and sort of buff person in front of me now.

    "Oh! Hi I'm (m/r) nice to meet you what's your name?" They look at me confused and then another person pops up next to them. He was blond and he smiled at me, so I smile back at him. "My name is Carlisle Cullen if you don't mind telling me why your here?"

    "Well you see I was just playing around with Jacob and I jumped over here. Is something wrong I didn't mean to do anything to hurt no one." Then he starts walking a little closer to me and I get a little nervous. "No that's alright but please be careful here there are bad people around."

    I smile and nod my head and then jump to Jackup. "Bye thank you for telling me but I should leave now." He waves goodbye to me and I push Jacob a little. Then we go back to chasing each other into the forest.

    When we get home Jackup takes me to the side. "Don't tell anyone about this alright (m/r) we will get in trouble." I sigh but nod my head and soon we go to our beds to sleep. Soon a few days had passed and I was running around the forest.

    I smile seeing a dear and I sit near it trying to pet it. "What are you doing here?" When I look up I see a pale, dark eyes, god and smile. "There was a dear and I wanted to say hi to the little thing.

    My name is (m/r) we might've not met before." He looks at me suspiciously and I just stand up smiling at him. "What are you?" I look at him confused and sit down to think.

    "Well I guess that I'm a hybrid? I'm half werewolf and half vampire it's very complicated. Why do you ask um?" "Edward, your smell is strange and so is your heartbeat."

I stand up and walk over to him to get a better look of his face. "Um thank you? Why do the others not like me or my kind. Aren't I like them because I am also a vampire?" He looks at me confused and then sighs after a second.

"There are many different stories from vampires and werewolves. All of them have something different but I don't think there is a real thing. Werewolves and vampires fought that's all there is to it." Edward look at me as I say that and we start walking together.

    "Why does Jacob not like you Edward?" He looks at me and then looks down at me. "He doesn't like me because of the war between our different species." I sigh but then when I turn to him he was gone.

Then I keep seeing him around the forest and soon Jacob takes me in the city. "I don't know about this Jacob I don't think anyone will like me." He laughs at me shaking his head and then walks away. "Just walk around have fun don't get in trouble.

I have to go and do something important to just do whatever." Then he leaves walking away and I smile waving goodbye. When I start walking around I find that I was lost. How stupid but then I see people starting to go around me.

"Are you from here I've never seen anyone like you before. Come with us and we can have some fun together." I smile nervously and shake my head but they keep getting closer. Then they turn around seeing a dark figure behind them.

"Hey he is ours leave us alone!" They keep silent and walk to the group getting closer. "Leave him alone so none of you get hurt." They all laugh but then they zoom towards the leader and push them.

The leader crashes into a dumpster and they all run away scared. I smile as I smell a familiar scent coming towards me. "Thank you Edward you didn't have to do that but thanks. But I need to get going back home now."

He grabs my shoulder and I turn around looking at him. "Why are you going to them when he always hurts you?" I turn around and look at the floor walking away. "That's because I deserve it and it's my fault that it's happening."

Edward grabs me and looks at me as I let some tears go down my face. Then he hugs me and I cry into his shoulder trying to keep quiet. "It's okay now (m/r) let's go alright?" I nod my head and we walk into his car together.

"I'm sorry for getting your shirt dirty and you don't have to do this." He sighs as he drives to his house and I start to fall asleep. "You don't have to be sorry, I want to help you (m/r)." Soon I fall asleep after hearing that still crying a little.

When I wake up I see that I'm in a room and that I'm laying in bed. I start opening my eyes more and see that Edward was holding me. As I lay there in shock he smirks at me and kisses my cheek. "I think I really like you (m/r) more than a friend though."

"Edward I like you more than a friend to but when can I leave?" "Never you can but you have to live here now." I sigh and just lay in bed, touching his cold but slightly warm hands. He grabs my cheek and kisses me so I kiss back smiling at him.
1034 words
Edward becuz why not

Male x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now