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Scogan x male child
This will be a long chapter

Scott POV

As I run to the woods I turn and see that someone was still chasing me. But then I turn and stop they had cornered me into a cave. They then show that they had a weapon and then I heard yelling in my ear. Everyone was looking for me and asking where I was.

I sigh and then start shooting at the person but stop after a while getting tired. They get closer but then they stop and fall to their knees. When they fall I see a kid behind them and I look at them afraid that they could get hurt. But they run away from me and I stand up properly confused.

When I come back to my senses I start running after the kid. It had turned out I had lost them and they were gone. I heard a rustling and I run but then bump into Hank. "Oh sorry but did you see them?

It was a kid did you see them?" Hank looks at me concerned and shakes his head. "I'm sorry but no I didn't see any kid. But we should regroup then we can talk about it."

We find the others and I explain what had happened. We go back to the cave and the man was laying on the floor. But there was a button on the rocky floor it wasn't there before. "I think we should contact or track the kid with the cerebro."

When we get to the school we go to cerebro and Dr. Xavier tries to contact them. "I can't they are moving around too much." Logan leaves the room and I just roll my eyes walking with Logan. "What's wrong?"

I look at him annoyed and then we keep walking. "We can find the kid Scott." After a while the others start to forget about it. Logan and I keep looking for the kid though.

Logan POV

Scott and I've been lookn' for this kid but we couldn't find 'em. I walk to the door ta leave to my cabin to think. But as I open it I see a kid standn' in front of me. The kid had a missn' button on their shirt.

Almost everythn' was missing on his clothes. It was ripped and had holes, he had no shoes strange. The kid turns around and started ta walk away. But I grab 'em and they stop moving, lookn' at me.

Scott finds me at the door and makes a surprised gasp. "What's your name kid?" Then claws pop outta of their hands just like mine. They claw at me and I let go of their shirt and they run.

Scott and I chase after em' and then they stop at a tree. It had a makeshift house or somethn' and the kid shows their fists off. We back away a little to give 'em space and he looked scared. "Kid we can help just come with us alright?"

They shake their head and the claws start going in and out. "Why don't you come with us? You came to the school for help right so let us help." "I can't leave though, my mama needs me here."

I look at the kid then turn to Scott then he looks at me. We both sigh and the kid looks at us confused. "How about we take you to the professor for a little. If you don't want to come back we will leave you alone okay?"

They think for a minute and nod their head. I reach my hand out ta 'em and they shake their head. We start walking back to the school and we see the professor. After a while of the kid being in his office we hear laughter.

The door opens and he smiles at us. "This kid is going to be both of your responsibilities." We smile at 'em and they look at the floor. 'My name's (m/r) can I go back to tell my mama?'

Scott and I look at the kid surprised and nod our head. We go back into the woods ta get to where he had been staying. "Goodbye mama I love you. I will make sure to protect Babs and don't worry."

He stands up with a small bag of clothes and we walk back to the school. We show em' where he'll be stayn' an' he sits on the bed with a sigh. He taps me and I have a strange sensation. I could see his memories flashn' through my brain.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to do that." (m/r) looks down at the floor and I look at Scott. "That's alright bub, it's not your fault." "Can I be alone now?"

    We nod our head an' leave the kid alone. "What did you see?" "The kid's been through a lotta stuff." Scott looks at me with sympathy and we walk to our room.

I hear rustling and open my eyes looking around the room. "There was a scary noise and I can't sleep." (m/r) was sitting on the floor and was looking at the floor. "Ya want to sleep up here with us or somethn' kid?"

He climbs onto the bed and sits on my legs then moves to the middle like a cat. "Is it okay if Babs sleeps with us too?" I sigh and nod my head and the black cat pops up out of (m/r)'s jacket he was wearing. (m/r) takes his jacket out and then lies in the middle of Scott and I.

    "Are you... are you... gay?" My eyes open widely from surprise and I choke on my saliva. "What? Um I guess ya can say that but don't go around sayn' that ta people." "Okay my mama is nice she had a girlfriend.

    But my real ma didn't like them or mutants." He lays his head on my chest and he sighs. "That's okay ya have me and Scott now." Then (m/r) looks at me and smiles at me.

Scott puts his glasses on turns to us and opening his eyes a little surprised. "Hey (m/r) what are you doing here?" "I couldn't really sleep and he said I could." Scott smiles and starts cuddling both of us.

I sigh with a sense of happiness but then feel something wet. Then I hear sniffles and Scott sits up. He looks at me concerned and I look at (m/r). "Hey bud, what's the matter?"

"I'm sorry I just- I..." he looks up at us with a smile tears streaming down his face. "I'm so happy I'm being accepted by someone other than my sister." I smile at him and hug him as Scott rubs the kid's back while hugging him. We all stay like that but then we fall asleep.

When I wake up (m/r) wasn't by my side and I just sigh. Then I take a shower and get dressed into my clothes. I walk to the cafeteria and I see (m/r) was outside. He was eating a peach and was sitting on the floor.

"What're ya don' here kid? Thought that ya had classes?" "I don't want to go I'd rather do something else." He sighs and looks at his cat then stands up.

"Come on kid ya gotta learn or else ya won't be able to be smarter than others." But then he smiles at me and climbs the tree. "I am smarter than other people." He hangs on a branch and I sigh looking up at him.

"(m/r) please Scott is your teacher will you come down now?" He sighs and rolls his eyes then he smirks at me. "Only if you can get me!" Then he starts jumping from tree to tree.

I growl a little but then I let out a laugh chasing after him. He laughs and I jump onto the tree and he taps me slightly. Then takes some claws out sliding off the tree. (m/r) runs and I keep chasing after him but then he stops.

When he stops I stop seeing Scott looking at us with a slightly angry face. "So why aren't you in my class?" "Um I was- we were- you see he was just telling me to go to class." Scott ta me and I nod my head looking down at the floor.

"You both- how could you not tell me you were playing without me! Tag!" Then Scott runs away and I turn to (m/r) and he taps me. "Tag!" I smile and start chasing after the both of them. We all tumble down a hill and laugh smiling with joy.

1454 words

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