Its Nothing

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"Skylar. Quit it." I mumbled to myself as I continuously paced the length of my bedroom.

Eliot and the team were at the bar with Lacey while I was in my apartment, "sick". Eliot offered to come over but I objected and told him not to.

I was pregnant. I had to be. My time of the month was long gone and that was the big sign. I definitely didn't want to take a pregnancy test because that would finalize the pregnancy and I wasn't ready for that kind of stress put on me again. Luckily, morning sickness wasn't coming yet.

"Skye?" Eliot knocked on the bedroom door, which I had locked and put the dresser in front of.

"Don't come in here, Eliot." I was breathing slightly funny. No. I can't be. That's not right. I must just be screwed up. It's all the stress that's making my period late.

"Skylar. What's wrong? You won't answer your phone and you've been in the room for about three hours without coming out of it."

"I just need time to think, Eliot. Go away." I ran my hands through my hair and yanked the strands a little before letting out an exaggerated cry.

"Skylar? You sound like you're dying. Please tell me what's up with you."

"No, Eliot." I got down at the edge of the bed and leaned against it, putting my head back with a sigh. "I'm so stressed. It's not funny."

"What the hell is behind the door, Skylar?" Eliot tried to open the door but the dresser was in the way.

"Nothing." I mumbled and rubbed my temples. If I had this baby by Eliot, Damien would kill it for sure and maybe even Eliot. I don't even think I'm ready for a baby again. I'm only fucking twenty years old.

"Skylar! Open the damn door!"

"Fine!" I shouted back and moved the dresser out of the way.

"What's wrong with you, Skye?" Eliot put his hands on my hips as he pulled me close to him. "You've been distant from me lately."

"I've been thinking about things." I shrugged and put my cheek against his chest.

"What kinda things?"

I didn't reply, but instead kept my big mouth shut for once and closed my eyes.

"Come on. You're worrying Parker and Sophie." Eliot handed my jacket to me and held the bedroom door open.

I sighed through my nose and put my jacket on before leaving to go to the bar with him.

"Skye!" Parker grasped me in a tight hug. "You're okay!"

"Told you she didn't die, Parker." Hardison pinched the bridge of his nose.

"I'm not that lucky, Hardison." I sighed and sat down beside Lacey. She locked eyes with me for a second before looking over to Sophie and nodding her head once. "What? What was that code for?"

"I don't know what you're talking about." Sophie shrugged her shoulders and took a sip of her drink. I crinkled my eyebrows and looked over to Lacey, who pretended to make conversation with Quinn, who was still with us.

"Skylar? What's been bothering you for the past few days?" Nate asked softly. He was sitting acros from me and I was happy that Sophie, Hardison, Parker, Quinn, and Lacey were talking. Only Nate and Eliot were looking at me.

"Nothing. Its nothing." I shook my head, absentmindedly moving my hand from my knee to my lower stomach.

"Are you sure its nothing?"

"Yeah. You've been all distant since we tried to make Moreau think we broke up." Eliot put his hand on my knee. My eyes locked with his gray-blue ones before I looked away.

"We're family, Skye. We can help you with anything you need." Nate said.

"Not this." I whispered. "This... I need to stop getting myself into this situation."

"Tell me what the situation is and I'll be able to help."

"All of us will." Eliot added. I looked down when his eyes wouldn't quit staring at me. "Skye. Don't ignore me." He squeezed my knee a little.

"I'm not ignoring you, Eliot. I need to go for a walk. I'm sorry." I got up and left the bar.

It was dark by the time I got back to the bar. Everyone was lounging around in the back room.

"There you are." Lacey noticed be first. Everyone's eyes focused on me as I closed the door.

"Me, you, and Ms. Lacey need to have a little discussion, Skylar." Sophie said, taking my wrist in her hand as she passed me. I was then pulled back out of the entire bar completely.

"You're killing him, Skye." Lacey said when she closed the door behind all of us.

"What? Who? What do you mean?" I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at her.

"Eliot. You're putting an effort into ignoring him, Skye."

"You're a freaking kid, Lacey. What would you know?" I snapped, which was wrong on my part.

"I told, Sophie." Lacey mumbled and went back into the bar, closing the door roughly behind her.

"Skylar. You shouldn't've said that, love." Sophie pinched the bridge if her nose and closed her eyes for a moment before looking to me again. "You know Lacey is more mature than almost everyone around. You know she's mentally thirty years old."

"I don't even know why I'm here." I started to walk away when she stopped me.

"You know you really are hurting him, Skylar."

I turned to Sophie, clenching my fists in agitation and stressfulness.

"What do you mean, Soph?"

"I mean that you have a man like Eliot Spencer wrapped around your pinky. He is a solid, keep-everything-in sort of man. It is very hard for someone to get their way underneath the surface. The whole team has his trust and his loyalty. But you... You have his love and his affection. You have his heart, Skylar." Sophie had stared to walk towards me slowly and now she was holding my hands. "A man's heart is a powerful thing. Use that to your advantage. Don't ignore him. It's been what? Almost a week since we tried to pull that trick on Moreau? He's told me you haven't been acting normal since then."

"Eliot Spencer told you about our relationship?" I raised my eyebrows slightly.

"That is exactly how worried he is about your relationship. He clearly wants to be with you. And he comes to me if he has any doubts, believe it or not. So why haven't you been as close to him as you usually are?"

"Its nothing." I shrugged my shoulders and brushed my hands through my hair.

"Lacey says she thinks you are pregnant."

So what do ya think??? Baby or not??

Baby name suggestions would be pretty helpful round bout now if you wanna contribute!


<3 Kacey <3

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