My Skye

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With just minutes away from midnight, the whole team was gathered around the kitchen table.

Eliot stood behind me, leaning against the back of the chair with his arms. I held Parker's hand in one of mine and Sophie's in the other one.

"Skylar, I would feel really better if you at least took one of us." Sophie gripped my hand.

"Aside from the few lessons I've given Parker, she's got a taser and that's a one way to ticket to having a bullet lodged in your forehead." Eliot shook his head.

"The more people that go in, the more we'll worry about each other and being distracted in that situation won't be helpful." I agreed with him.

"We'll keep you in touch with the earbuds." Nate said. "Hardison will hack into the security system to give Skye and Eliot a few moments to get in without being noticed. From then on, we can't do much, Eliot."

Eliot nodded and put his hands on my shoulders as he stood up straight.

"We need to be leaving." He said, gripping my shoulders for a moment.

"I'll drive y'all half way." Hardison said, standing from his spot next to Parker.

"We'll all go with you." Sophie proclaimed, standing too along with Parker and I.

"Then let's go." Nate clapped his hands together once and headed for the door.

"Give us a moment, we'll be right out." Eliot said, eyes looking down at me.

Nate gave us a nod and left. Sophie and Parker softly smiled as they left and Hardison put his hand on Eliot's shoulder, eyes shifting to me before he looked back to Eliot.

The corner of his lips tugged upwards in a smile then he left.

"I love you, Skylar." Eliot spoke gently as the door closed. One of his hands cupped my jaw while the other set of fingers was laced in with mine.

"I love you too, Eliot." I breathed, brushing our noses together before kissing his lips.

His hand on my jaw moved to the back of my neck, pulling me in more for the kiss.

Eliot broke the kiss after a few moments and looked into my eyes.

"Marry me, Skylar." His voice was so quiet, but I could read his lips. A huge, bright smile formed on my lips as he continued to speak, his voice getting more audible as he did so. "After this is all over, marry me. We don't have to have a fancy wedding, you don't have to wear a dress. I just want you to marry me. Be my Skye forever."

"I wouldn't want to have it any other way." I murmured, brushing his dark hair out of his eyes. A smile formed on his lips and he started to lean down to kiss me, but I stopped him. "When this is over, I want you to propose traditionally. I want you to get down on one knee and ask me again."

He chuckled and kissed my lips.


It was kind of upsetting, how Eliot and I both said 'when this is all over'. Like we were going to live to see the end of Damien Moreau. We both knew the chances, we both knew death was just around the corner.

But I wasn't backing out. I wasn't changing my mind. I wanted to rid the world of Damien. He would keep killing people that got in his way, he would keep doing illegal stuff, keep taking money, and he would keep coming after my family.

And there was no way in hell I would let that happen.

Eliot and I both agreed to not tell the team about the proposal. We figured it would be best to keep it to ourselves.

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