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I walked down to the table everyone was at the next morning.

"How're you feeling?" Nate asked as I sat beside Eliot.

"Pretty good." I smiled and looked up to Eliot.

"Oh my god!" Sophie gasped.

"What?" Parker asked.

"You two slept together!" She pointed to us.

"Oh my sweet baby Jesus. That is not an image I want to see in my head." Hardison rubbed his eyes.

"Whatever. Like Sophie and Nate haven't ever done it." Eliot rolled his eyes.

"And I'm pretty sure you're still a virgin, Hardison, so yeah." I grinned.

"Really? R-Really? Is that how- is that how you're gonna be to me?" Hardison glared at me.

"Hey! He's my virgin buddy. Leave him alone." Parker laughed with the rest of us.

"That's just cruel." Hardison muttered. Eliot put his arm around my waist and pulled us closer together.

"So did we finish the job?" I asked.

"Nope. Not yet." Nate sighed. "Parker said you cracked a few ribs?"

"Only about four. Nothing much. They'll heal along with my bullet wound from just last week and my cut from a few days ago." I sighed.

"We should really take you to the hospital for all of it, just to make sure nothing is potentially deadly." Sophie said.

"I don't do hospitals." I shook my head, leaning back into Eliot's chest.

"Why is it that you two don't do hospitals?" Hardison asked.

"Yeah. I mean, is that how every hitter is?" Parker added.

"Yeah." I replied.

"Mostly." Eliot nodded.

"Why?" Parker asked.

"So that no one can track where they've been." Eliot answered her question.

"Well, well, well. If isn't my self centered, childish daughter." Once I heard that voice, I knew it was dad. I kept my eyes on Nate, who was sitting across from me. Eliot's grip around my waist tightened.

"Unless you want me to break something on you, I suggest you leave." Eliot said over his shoulder.

"Stay out of this, son. Skylar, answer me." Dad nudged, but it felt like he punched, my shoulder. Eliot shot up in his seat.

"Sit down, Eliot." I looked over towards him, looking through my hair. He hesitated before sitting down.

"Go back to hell, dad." I looked over my shoulder to him. I saw him flinch, like he was about to hit me. And I had no doubt that if anyone was around, he would've done it.

"Don't talk to me like that, Skylar." Dad growled.

"Let's take this outside before it gets messy." I sighed and left out the side door, the door that led to the alley beside the bar. I knew everyone was following me, dad was one of them but I didn't care. I turned to him just in time to be slapped across the face. I flipped my hair out of my face and held my hand up as Eliot started to walk towards dad. "Why did you come here? You know you hate me."

"Your mom's going crazy. Charlie's hanging out with bad people and you killed your sister-"

"I didn't kill her. I was shot through her. I almost died too."

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