Off Guard

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Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. Tick.

I continued to listen to the clock hanging on the kitchen wall as I sipped on the hot chocolate in my hands.

I sat at the table, looking out the window and watching the sun raise.

Eliot was either asleep or pretending to be asleep but the rest of the team was sleeping for sure since it was five in the morning.

I took another sip of my drink and put my hand on my stomach.

"I don't know what I'm doing, baby." I whispered to it, gingerly rubbed my stomach. "There's so much going on and I'm... I don't even know what I'm going to do when its over."

The sudden touch of someone's hands on my shoulders made me jump. I looked over my shoulder to see it was Eliot. I smiled and watched as he moved to sit at the table next to me.

"Do you want me to get you coffee?" I asked, starting to get up but Eliot shook his head and took my hand, pulling me back down into the chair.

"I'm fine. I'll get some when I want it."

"What's wrong?" I crinkled my eyebrows as I laced our fingers together.

"What do you plan on doing once all of this is over?" Eliot ignored my question.

"Honestly, Eliot. I don't know. I don't even know if I'm going to survive Damien's wrath." I took my hand back and ran both over my face. "He doesn't like when people get in his way."

"I'm gonna make sure you're safe. There's no way Moreau's touching you or my kid."

I couldn't help but smile when he said 'my kid'. I looked down at my lap and sighed.

"Eliot, I have to tell you something." I looked up and saw his features tense up. "When we were doing the plan and you said you loved me... I know it was a part of the plan to say those things cause everything was fake but when you said that... I realized I loved you." I nervously kept my eyes on our hands, which were now together.

He was quiet for a while and I regretted saying that. But as Eliot was starting to say something, the front door opened and in walked the team.

"You guys are up early." Nate commented. Eliot and I held each other's gaze for a moment before I looked away.

"Couldn't sleep." I shrugged lightly.

"I'm stealing coffee from you, Skylar." Sophie said as she got a mug from the cupboard.

"Go ahead. I made plenty." I gave her a soft smile and took a sip of my own drink.

"Whoa, someone's feeling awfully generous." Hardison commented as he sat on the other side of me. Before I could say anything, Nate spoke.

"We have two days to make everything work and by just sitting here, we're losing time."

I stood up and began to leave the kitchen to get ready when someone spoke.

"Skye's not doing anything." Eliot said. I glanced at Eliot but then quickly looked to Nate.

"Let's go talk." Nate motioned for me to follow him. "Only me and Skylar." He shook his head when Eliot started to get up to follow us.

"Skylar, you better not try to pull anything stupid." He told me. "You're fucking pregnant." I didn't comment or reply as I followed Nate out into the hall.

"He's right, Skylar. We don't want to risk having the baby get hurt." Nate shook his head.

"But I'm not sitting around and watching while you guys risk your lives for me, Nate!" I stomped my foot. "You told me in the very beginning that you didn't want my past to harm your team and I'm trying to prevent that from happening, Nate. I'm trying to protect you guys. That's what I'm suppose to do, right?"

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