The Model Job

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We were currently sitting in the back of Hardison's van. I sat against the back doors my knees pulled to my chest but one of my hands held my ankle. Eliot held my other hand, but he was sitting close to me so no one could tell.

"You'll be taking up on your job, along with Parker's, Skylar." Nate said. I just nodded. I could do both easily. "Alright. This one's a bit... different."

"A supermodel agent is taking thousands of dollars from it's models' banking accounts, running them broke in a matter of seconds." Sophie started.

"Mmm. I think I'm gonna like this job." Hardison chuckled and Eliot patted his shoulder with a grin. I rolled my eyes. Men.

"Since you're younger than me, Skylar, and you have the body for it, you're officially a model for a swim suit magazine." Sophie said.

"What! No! Get Parker back!" I shook my head.

"We still need you anyways." Nate was amused by my reaction. "We have your background and everything you need. We just need you to get a computer chip."

"What? Seriously! You couldn't just have Parker do this? I'm sure no one would hit a freaking supermodel." I threw my hands up and accidentally hit Eliot's eye. He rubbed his eyes and grumbled under his breath.

"Right. But if they found out what you're trying to do that's where you come in." Nate shrugged.

"And Parker didn't want to be a model anyways. She can't pull off sexy without being awkward." Sophie added.

"She can be sexy." Hardison said.

"I did not need to know that." Eliot sighed.

"No, Nate. No. I am not doing this." I shook my head.

About an hour later, I found myself in a large building in my own dressing room. I had four different bathing suits to choose from. Eliot was standing outside the door as my "bodyguard". Like I needed one.

"Hurry up, Skye. They'll be here any minute." Eliot walked into my dressing room.

"Fine whatever. Hardison, I swear to God if you take any pictures or anything, I will stab you with a fork in your eyes." I muttered. I knew he had heard me through the earpieces.

"Fine. But Parker wanted to see if you actually went through with this so I have to send her a picture when you get dressed." Hardison chuckled.

"I'm gunna kill him, Eliot." I took off my shirt.

"No you won't." He chuckled and handed me a bathing suit. Eliot sat on the couch and looked through a magazine while I changed.

"I swear to God if I see any of this ever in the future, someone's getting stabbed." I sighed and took off my bra, then put on the top. "Tie it for me, Eliot." I sat on the edge of the couch and moved my hair aside.

"Just take deep breaths, Skylar. You'll do just fine." Sophie said through the earpieces.

"Why couldn't you do this, Sophie?" I stood up and took my pants off. Eliot went back to reading his magazine.

"She's not exactly.... There's an age limit on modeling." Nate said.

"Cindy Crawford's like forty eight. Sophie's not that old, or she doesn't look it at least." Hardison added.

"I'm going to kill Nate." Sophie sighed. I laughed a little. "Besides that, Skylar, I'm coming in as a French fashion designer anyways. So this works out perfectly."

"Fine." I grumbled and put on my bathing suit bottoms. It was a minty blue that looked almost white. There were no straps on the top but it looked great on me! "Damn. I look hot." I turned around in the mirror and looked at myself. Eliot started to chuckle. I turned to see he was taking a picture of me. "That better not go to Hardison."

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