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"Who's Quinn?" I asked as the team and I waited in the van in the parking lot of a club.

"One of Eliot's associates." Sophie replied. Eliot had gone inside to talk to one of his 'people' as he called it.

"He needs an extra push, Nate. Send in Skye." Eliot spoke through the earpieces we all wore.

"No, I'm not posing as a hooker for you, Eliot. I have more pride than that." I crossed my arms.

"Come on, Skye. You won't be a hooker anyways. Quinn wants to meet the infamous Skylar Lee. Do it for Megan." Eliot said.

"I hate all of you." I muttered and took off the hoodie I wore over top of a black dress I had on. I stepped out of the van and pulled my dress down. It was a simple black small dress which clung to my curves tightly. "Don't get jealous when all the men stare at me, cowboy."

"Oh I won't." Eliot chuckled. "Cause I know you're mine in the end."

I walked into the club with a sigh.

"I think this might be the only guy in our line of business that doesn't know me personally." I mumbled to myself as I made my way through the crowd. I heard a laugh from someone but I couldn't tell who it was. Eliot waved me over, Quinn's eyes trailed all over my body as I walked closer to the two hitters. "You owe me big time. I feel like my ass is hanging out."

"You'll be fine." Eliot chuckled. "Quinn? This is Skye. Skylar? Quinn."

"Nice to meet you." I held my hand out for him.

"It's an honor, almost. I've heard a lot about you." Quinn shook my hand.

"Yeah." I nodded.

"So you two are two of the best hitters in the business and you can't keep the Chinese Crusades out of your way?" Quinn crossed his arms.

"You don't even know who they are. They either leave their opponent unconscious with potentially deadly ruptures, fractures, or breaks or they kill the other all together." I crossed my arms. I didn't like it when people I just met- or anyone really- told me I couldn't do things, even if they asked.

"Settle down, Skylar." Eliot mumbled. "So do you want to help or not, Quinn? Either way, Skye here'll be getting you to help."

"And how would she do that?" Quinn raised an eyebrow, stepping closer to me.

"I'll have to show you where there aren't so many people." I took his hand and led him over to where hardly anyone was. I pushed him up against the wall and grabbed his pack roughly. "What was that? Did you say you wanted to help?" I asked, leaning closer to him.

"That is not how this works-"

"Are you willing to let me see if these things fall off? Cause I doubt they'll grow back, pretty boy."

Eliot walked up behind me and sighed.

"An important person to her just died, Quinn. She has all the anger in the world." Eliot shrugged.

"Fine! Yes! I'll do it!" Quinn strained to get the words out as I gripped him tighter.

"Good boy." I let him go and began walking out the door.

"Nice going, Skye." Nate said with a hint of amusement in his voice.

"I can't wait till we get to have fun." I brushed my hair back. I knew the two men were flanking me to my right and left.

"Don't take it out on me, princess, and we'll be fine." Quinn patted my shoulder. I grabbed his hand and twisted his arm backwards, shoving him against the side of the van.

"Don't call her princess." Eliot chuckled.

"Skylar!" Nate barked. "Don't take it out on Quinn. He's not who we're going against."

"I'm just having some fun, Nate." I got into the van with the two men and sat beside Hardison, who was staring at me, his hand covered his frontside. I laughed and brushed my hair back.

As everyone explained the job to Quinn, I kept my eyes on Eliot's face. It was weird, but I was just staring off into space.

"Earth to Skye." Parker snapped her fingers in front of me.

"Yeah? Sorry." I looked away from Eliot and over to Parker, who held up my duffle bag. "Thanks." I took it from her. I didn't realize we had already made it to the bar where the Chinese Crusades would be.

"Do you have a view on them, Hardison?" Nate asked.

"Yeah. The cameras in the bar are all on this screen." Hardison nodded.

"This is a job for you three, guys." Nate looked over to me, Eliot, and Quinn. Sophie was gone now so apparently she went home or something. . . "You all are going in at separate times. Skye, go first."

"Right. Ladies first." I muttered and got up from the chair.

"I don't think she qualifies as a lady." Quinn mumbled under his breath. I shook it off and got out of the van.

"You'll be okay, Skye. I promise if anything goes too far, I'll be in there to help you-"

"Eliot. Shut up, baby. I know you're trying to help, but it's not working." I rubbed my eyes.

"That's my girl." He chuckled.

I pushed back the door on the bar and walked towards the actual bar.

"Glance to your left, Skye, and pretend to show a little interest at one of them if they look at you." Nate said.

"I hate you all." I repeated, looking down the bar before looking to my right, where the Chinese were sitting. They were in a dark booth, nine total.

One looked at me and I put on a fake flirty smile, batting my eyelashes at him. I looked away, putting my hair behind my ear.

"If one of these ugly bastards touch me, Nate. I'm gonna kill somebody and go to jail for it." I mumbled.

. . . So this chapter was pretty interesting. Lol thank you everyone for reading and voting and all!! Keep doing it! And tell me how you like this chapter!!

<3 Kacey <3

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