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There's not a lot of people this early morning. Thank goodness. I'm glad we kept this under wraps. Sometimes no matter how hard you try to hide these things, for some reason, it still leaks out.

I'm watching the arrival board and their flight says processing. Shouldn't be long now.

Chris is getting impatient rocking back and forth, sighing every other minute. I on the other hand is racking my brain trying to remember our itinerary for the day, making sure I didn't forget speaking Korean and remembering every cultural thing I can remember; bow, hold my other hand when directing them etc. I'm pretty good at hiding my nervousness so people think I'm always cool, calm and collected. But honestly I'm a duck, no a swan, serene on the surface, but below water I'm waddling like crazy to keep myself afloat.

I see passengers peeking through the arrival gate now. Chris sees this too and his face brightens up and brings up the placard up his chest. Pretty sure they won't miss Chris who stands 6ft4. I'm not particularly short.. in my opinion. I'm considered petite but next to Chris, I look like a midget. I quickly checked myself out in my phone to make sure I look presentable and prepared myself.

I don't know what I was expecting but when I saw Min Yoongi I was blown away at how understated he was. I guess when I think of music producers I was thinking flashy, designer brand name plastered  on their clothes and stuff. He was wearing a black, what I'm guessing is a wool jumper. Black mask on (still required in flights) a black beret and black trousers. He was wearing black sneakers to complete his all black look. Nowhere can you see any brand logos or name on him. The only tell tale that he's got money is his sling bag from the latest collection of a luxury house that I've been wanting to get my hands on.

They spotted Chris and I as we started walking towards them. I had my name badge pinned to my blouse on the left and Chris has his on his coat blazer as well to clearly identify ourselves and assure we're not here to kidnap them. I gave them my customer service smile and a quick bow. 

"Welcome to Arrowfield Min Yoongi-ssi and Park Minho-ssi." Tick, I can still speak Korean and tick didn't forget to bow. I noticed there were two other guys following them and quickly gave them a bow as well to acknowledge them. Now that I'm seeing him up close I realised that he is quite tall. He's at least a few inches taller than me despite my heels. He's skin in stark contrast to his all black outfit. And his eyes. Sharp and piercing.

He returned my bow but it was Mr Park that 1st spoke taking off his mask "Thank you. I'm Park Minho and that's our security Lee Junho and Kim Junsu. And this is Min Yoongi" he put a hand around his shoulder and smiled fondly at him.

"Pleased to meet you. I'm Ellie your translator and guide for this trip and this is Chris who will be driving us today. I thought you'd have 3 more people in your security detail?" I asked as I scrolled through my iPad. Great I already got things wrong.

"Ah no sorry there's a last minute change as Yoongi-ssi didn't want too many security. He says it will be fine and that he's been here before and it's safe." He had a playful smirk on his face as he said this looking at Him again.

He's still wearing his mask so I can't tell if he was smiling when he was waving his hand to dismiss what Minho just said.

"Well it's pretty safe and quiet down here so I hope you do enjoy your stay. Shall we?"

We got to the limo while we chatted about their schedule- pretty much just me and Minho. Yoongi was quiet just nodding and ah-ing as we talked. We got to the limo and, Junsu the older security guy went to the front with Chris while Junho the younger went inside with us. I was taken aback by this as I didn't expect to be seating with them in the limo. This is bound to be aaawkwaaaard. I mean I do this for a living but I'm not particularly great at conversations outside the scope of work with my clients. I guess I just have to keep yarning on about their schedule or I can just make an excuse to say they can rest and will wake them up once we're at the hotel. This isn't a lie as I think Yoongi might be sleepy that's why he's quiet.

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