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The rest of the day was uneventful. The theatre room doors are now up and Yoongi was able to work on his music. I went out to grab some food for the rest of the week. We've finished everything that we bought from our last shopping trip except for condiments etc. I also ran to the local Asian store to get Korean side dishes. He must be missing korean food. It's pretty much just him and I in this house cause apparently Junho has family on the other side of town that he went to visit for a few days. Yoongi doesn't really care about his security and says it's just the company that wants it and thinks it's unnecessary for this trip but when he found out that Junho has family he let him come and stay with him.

I got back and Yoongi was still working. It's past 4pm and since there's no food at home I know he hasn't eaten yet. I don't think he'll have the time to cook as well. The gears on my head started turning and gave me a brilliant idea to cook for him — Korean food. I browsed the internet "easy Korean dish" and bulgogi came up. I typed it up in YouTube to follow a tutorial. 

Now, when I say brilliant I meant dumb cause I can't cook to save my life. I could've sworn something was trying to stop me as I went ahead to cook — from the stove not wanting to fire up to utensils dropping on the floor and veggies running away from me. For the life of me I tried to follow the recipe but somehow ended up with a bitter concoction instead of the promised sweet and savoury dish that it is.

I was almost going to dump it in the bin when Yoongi came out and saw me, apron on, hair up in a mess and defeated look on my face.

"Hmmm.. I can smell something. Did you cook? Oh Bulgogi! I miss Korean food."

You're gonna miss it even more after trying that.

Before I can stop him he already grabbed the bowl from me and went to the table. "I'm so hungry!" He went back in the kitchen and scooped up rice for the both of us and sprinted to the table. He must be really hungry.

Good. When you're hungry everything is delicious. I trudged to the table "I'm warning you.. it's not.."

"Hmmm.." Scooped another.. "hmmm.."

I haven't had a bite yet so maybe it's not that bad. I tried it. No it's still bitter. I looked at him still seemingly enjoying the meal.

"How can you eat this? It's so bitter!"

"I love americano coffee."

I was flabbergasted! He was just scoffing it.

"Are you that hungry?"

"No it's good. I swear. I love that you made it." He smiled at me but the wince as he looked down to take another bite killed me.

"Stop! Don't eat it! Let's just order food!"

"No why are you wasting perfectly made food. You made this for me right?"

"Yeah. I thought you must miss Korean food by now." I propped my elbow on the table and cradled my chin on my hand. 

I wanted to cry, but what for? Cause I can't cook for this man who's done so much to comfort me in ways that I don't even notice? Yes I wanted to do something nice for him.

"Hey, I love it. Honestly. Have I ever lied to you? I even tell you when you eating too much." He's peeking through his fringes watching my reaction.

"Yah!" I can't help but give in. "Ok fine you love it but that's enough I don't want you to get any food poisoning." I grabbed the bowl from him. "I'll make some brownies later."

"Nah it's ok I'll be a bit busy and won't really have time to eat later."

"Fruits. I'll cut up fruits for you. I can't mess that up."

"You didn't mess up. You just need practice." He grabbed my shoulders looking straight into me. "Fighting!" I pushed him and laughed at his attempt to cheer me up.

He took the bowl of fruit I gave him and retreated to the theatre room.

I cleaned up in the kitchen where the sunset colours are coming through. The house is in shades of red, purple and pink. 

What a sight. 

I remember that day when we went to Liana's wedding. We were talking about life while watching the sunset and how he's worked really hard to get to where he is right now. I can understand why he stays cooped up in his work right now and I won't get in the way of that. I've decided now that I'll be a fan that supports his work. That's right I cooked for him as a fan to give him strength to finish what he's working on albeit it was a disaster. 

There's nothing more that I expect. 

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