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After our "breakfast date" and my mini cry session, our interaction have been more intimate in a way. Our hand will brush from time to time and instead of being tensed, I relish it and linger more in his touch. And at times when it's just the two of us, (Minho's presence has become scarcer and scarcer as the days go by), I manage to hold his gaze and bathe in it. Something in his eyes disarms me and makes want to share all my secrets with him, opening up to him completely. But of course we still have work to do.

"Right, so we're all done for the day! I have to run some errands now and I'll see you the day after tomorrow."

"Finally! Some rest and few more days and we fly back home."

Yoongi was silent and was just watching me pack up my things. He keeps fiddling with his bracelets on his right hand and taps on his desk. I was stalling and waiting for him to say goodbye to me before I leave. I have this knot in my stomach with the thought of not seeing him for a day. I've grown really familiar with him that I think I will sorely miss him when he leaves. I wanted to spend more time with him instead of taking a day off but it's my friend's wedding and no matter how much I want to spend time with him this is non negotiable. He's still not saying anything which disappoints me so I start to head out but as my hand reach for the office door, Yoongi stood up, stopping me from my tracks.

"I'll walk you out."

I didn't argue. Every minute is precious and I'm not about to waste it. We walked out together, and I see Minho's knowing smile on my peripheral vision. I ignored it and just waved bye to him. As we walked out of their suite, Junho followed us into the lift and waived him off to leave us as the lift doors closed.

"I can still reach you tomorrow if I need you?"

"Yeah of course."

"Great." He sighed. "Few more days.."

"Few more days." I looked up at him to see his expression but I can't read it. His eyes are straight ahead as if looking through the door lifts.

"Did you walk here?" My apartment is just a block away and I remember telling him this so it's not unusual for him to think that I might have just walked to the hotel.

"Yeah I did."

"I'll walk you back."

Again. I didn't argue with him. We walked in silence until we were out in the street and headed towards my apartment. We chatted for a bit on how the days just zoomed past and the change of season as it's obviously going to be winter soon but nothing about us parting ways soon. It's a good 15mins walk but Yoongi was talking his time and dragging his feet and I myself am matching his steps that we walked for half an hour until we reach my apartment lobby. I wasn't sure what he had in mind walking me back to my apartment and at this point I have mixed feelings about him being here. It wasn't the first time that he's walked me home. The first time was from our "breakfast date" and another time where we all went to this novelty coffee place around the corner.

Tony, our doorman had asked about him the 1st time.

"Who's that fella?

"A friend."

"Just a friend?"

"A friend." I eyed him knowing he's suggesting otherwise.

"We're here!" I announced as if he didn't know. I lingered for a bit waiting to see what he has to say or what he wants to do. I have this pit in my stomach but I don't know myself what I want him to do. But all that disappeared when he just waved bye to me.

"See you Monday." Not even a brush against my hand, a quick  or a kiss on my forehead. A small smile formed on his face. Eyes soft yet exhausted. He motioned for me to go in and as soon as I opened the lobby door he started to head off.

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