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"Good morning." 

The ever cheerful Minho greeted me. I wasn't particularly in the best mood today considering I have a bit of hang over and my body hurts as I slept on the couch, so I just gave him a quick bow. It's also just a couple more days before they fly out. 

Minho doesn't seem to notice my mood as he carried on "I'm going home soon. This is my last meeting!" He was beaming, ignorant of the stabs these words are to me.

Yoongi came out into the living room seemingly in a good mood as well. I guess I really was just a fling to him. He doesn't care. He just wants to go home. He has a big grin on his face while waving something at me then nodded us off to the office.

The meeting was brief and pretty much just concluding whatever's been discussed before. He suggested to review it further and meet again next week. Well, I guess they'll just hire another interpreter in Korea. 

Yep. That's it. I'm replaceable.

Minho got up soon after saying he wants to do some shopping for souvenirs. I told him I can go with him if he wants, which he gladly accepted. Yoongi wants to come along too. I called up Chris to see if he's available to take us cause the 2 other men will come as well. In 15mins he pulled out the front of the hotel with a "celebrity van". I raised my eyebrows at the subtlety of the vehicle. We should just put Yoongi's name on it as it's screaming celebrity on board. We all got in, Junsu at the front again with Chris. Minho went in first when Yoongi prodded him, who took the middle seat then Yoongi, to Minho's shock went in the back seat. Junho gestured for me to go in next and as I got in, Yoongi's eyes was on me coaxing me to sit next to him instead of the other empty seat next to Minho. I hesistated for a moment but Minho has now started to pile up his stuff on the seat next to him and I know there's no way Junho will let me sit by the door as it's his job as security to get on last and get out first.  Yoongi knows this that's why he sat at the back so we can sit together.

I put my coat in between us and pulled down on my skirt as I sat down. It flowed gently covering up to my knees and calves. Yoongi leaned on me and whispered "You're well covered today." Smirking as he tugged my skirt down. I rolled my eyes at him. I can't with this guy. He plays and teases me in the most endearing and sometimes sexual way. 

We drove in silence - Minho is reviewing his list of things to buy and Junho just sat there staring outside enjoying the view. Eventually, Yoongi held my hand, intertwining our fingers under my coat that was in between us. He pulled out the piece of paper from his pocket and showed it to me. His itinerary. Why is he showing this to me? What does he want me to do? Throw a tantrum cause he's leaving soon cause I'm about to do so. He let go of my hand to point where I should look. His departure date is not until 2 weeks from now. "I managed to move it." He said proudly. "I'm staying for a little bit longer. Hope you're not sick of me yet."

I can't believe my eyes and grabbed it from him. "Really?!" I think I almost screamed as Minho looked up then just shook his head.


And my mood changed just like that.


We strolled around town going to different stores and souvenir shops. Minho got an assortment of stuff while Yoongi picked out a plush toy, "For Namjoonie's baby." he said with an endearing smile on his face. "We don't know yet if it's a girl or a boy." I can tell He's excited for this baby. He also got some merino wool baby clothes for his nephew and merino wool scarf for his Mum. He said he'll probably buy alcohol for his dad and brother. He also picked out some things that his members will like. It's so good to know that he's very family oriented. Some people when they get rich and famous they tend to drift away from their family and old friends as their network of richer and more famous people get wider. But not him. He keeps his family and real friends close to him. Will I get to be a part of it? Or I can just enjoy the two more weeks with him.

"I'll need a soundproof room so I can work on my songs while I'm here. Does the hotel have anything like that?"

The hotel rooms are pretty sound proof but I supposed he needs a dedicated space to do his work. There should be one but being just a few days away in this coming peak season I doubt if I can find one in a hotel. I might be able to check with our air bnb partners who has one.

"I don't think we can book any hotels now even if I can find one with a soundproof room. It's short notice on a peak season plus there's 4 people. I'll check with our air bnb partners but it might be a little farther away in town.

"Oh right, Minho and Junsu are not staying. And I don't mind being farther away. I'm not taking any in person meetings. I'm hardly meeting anyone at all. I just need to work on songs cause I got some due dates coming. But other than that I'm just chilling and enjoying my time here." 

With me I hope.

"Ok that's good. I'll let you know."

"You're not sad anymore?" He asked me the same way I asked him last night.

He noticed. He does see everything. Was I too transparent? I can't seem to hide anything from him. I pushed him away as I pinched his tummy. Well I tried to pinch him but I hardly got anything in between my fingers. He's so lean And solid. Granted he must've instinctively flexed his abs as I pinched him. He's gummy smile plastered on his face as we continued with our shopping.

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