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Off to the office now to tidy up some things about this job. I'm holding a paper bag with korean goodies Minho handed to me. Despite speaking korean and being a kdrama addict prior to meeting my frenemy Amnesia, I've never stepped foot in Korea and this bag of goodies is making me want to go. I'm headed to my apartment which is just a walking distance from the hotel. I need to grab my laptop then take my car to the office since Chris already left after dropping us off at the hotel.

I almost bumped into someone as I went into my building, said hi to Tony and went up the lift. I rushed in and packed my laptop. I'm hungry. I looked at the paper bag and found what looks like a bread. It wasn't exactly. it's a marshmallow in between biscuits covered in chocolates. Yum. I'll have a proper meal after I finish off in the office.


So hungry! I'm gonna drop by Bobby's. I hope the wait's not too long.

"Bye Carol! I'm heading off now. Might drop in and out in the next couple of weeks. If you need me just call ok?" I cried out from across the office and see Carol buried in pages of paperwork.

"See you love. Don't worry we'll be fine.I'll see you at Liana's wedding.."She added looking down from her glasses "..with a plus one?"

"I'll see you there..but I'm not promising a plus one." I rolled my eyes as I waved her goodbye.


Great! There's no queue it's past the lunch hour so the perfect time for me. What should I get? I looked up this menu a million times. Who am i kidding. I always order the classic smashed cheeseburger with extra cheese and chips on the side. I'm starving. I haven't had anything since this morning except for coffee and the Korean snack. Right, should I get one for the guys? I did say I'd take them to hip eateries around. Our day doesn't officially start tomorrow but hey they gave me a gift. It was very thoughtful.

Before I knew it I had 6 burgers in the bag with a side of chips. I don't know what he likes.. I mean what THEY like so I got one each off the menu. I drove up to the staff carpark (like I said our company partners up with hotels and we get a designated carpark) went up to reception to let them know I'm coming up. I went up the lift and as the doors opened I'm suddenly feeling queasy. I'm not confessing or anything I'm just handing over burgers in return to the kindness they showed. Is that too familiar? Won't they be weirded out by it. I was going to go back in when I heard quick footsteps coming.

"Hey! You!" Of course it's his security. He must've thought I'm a paparazzi or whatever. 

"Oh hi Junsu it's me Ellie from earlier?" I hope he remembers me. "I thought I went on the wrong floor." Nice save. "I brought some burgers from this famous place so I thought to have you guys try it. I sorta promised Minho."

"Ah yes. Sorry I didn't see your face."

He bought it, I think. Are security guys good at detecting lies?

"What's that?" It was Minho peeking out from the door obviously he heard Junsu yell.

 "Oh hi Ellie!" Is it tomorrow already?" He rubbed his eyes obviously he just got up from a nap.

"No she has burgers." Junsu curtly answered for me.

"Yeah I was at this burger place I was telling you earlier and thought might as well get you guys some. Who knows if will ever get to drop by there. Your schedule is jam packed and Bobby's always busy too. So here."

I handed him the bag hoping this is now the end of it. I feel like Junsu is on to me.

"Thank you! We haven't eaten yet. While you're here do you mind helping us with this?"

"No worries. What is it?"

I followed him inside and as I stepped in, Yoongi was coming out of his room in a wide neck white shirt and black pyjama pants drying his hair with a towel. I wonder if he smells even better than this morning. Fresh from the shower he's hair covering his eyes just enough for me to see a glint of sparkle as he looked my way. I can almost see through his shirt and make out subtle ridges in his chest and torso. The defined lines on his upper arms as he bent it to dry his hair. And his hands. I gathered myself quickly and made an abrupt bow as he did too looking at Minho for an explanation.

"She has burgers! And I asked her help." He grinned. "Here," showing me the outlet by the kitchen island. "I can't charge my phone.." Now speaking to me.

"Ahhhh hyung! You have to press the button." 

Yoongi whining the same way he did earlier at the limo. I can smell his shampoo. And the same scent he got on when he almost fell on me in the limo. I swear I would've sniffed the heck out of him if I hadn't stopped myself. I would've wrapped my arms round his neck and rest my head in the crook of his neck as I.. what the heck am I thinking!

"Oh yes that's right you don't just plug it in. Make sure this is turned on." I leaned down to press it for him. "You see that orange thing on the switch? That needs to show to make sure the outlet is letting the power out. It's odd huh?"

I smiled at Minho. I can't help but wonder if Minho is actually younger than Yoongi.

I straightened up and stepped back for him to have a closer look at it but backed into something solid and warm.

It was Yoongi.

He was walking towards us as I stepped back, closing the distance between us.  I felt feverish as I briefly felt his breath on my skin and his scent lingering even stronger as I got close to him.

Yikes. I'm wearing the same clothes as this morning and haven't had a shower. I'm too preoccupied thinking how he smelled that I haven't thought about my own. I quickly moved away as this thought flashed through me.

Yoongi mouthed "sorry" much the same way as he did back in the limo. I looked down this time afraid he'll see me blushing pretending to focus on Minho.

"I see. Thanks and thanks for the burgers." Minho piped in.

"Great! I'll leave you to it and see you tomorrow. You have my number so if there's anything let me know." I hurried back to the door where Junho was.

"Yeah see you."

Got out and Junsu followed me to the lift and pressed the floor for me. As soon as the door closed I held on to the railing, my knees buckling. I quickly sniffed my hair, pits and shirt. I never had an issue with BO but i won't be surprised if that quick second of feverish feeling generated a massive sweat storm on my whole body and give me BO. Thankfully I smell fine. I have a habit of spritzing some body spray on my way out of the office. 

My cologne held up. Thank you Cool Summer! 

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