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The days went by quickly.

As expected their schedule was packed. I would sometimes pick them up from the hotel to their meeting place when Chris is not available. At times it's just a video conference and I will sit next to him and Minho as they talked. He has a dry humour about him that I often find myself cracking up but had to stay professional and translate it to the other party, sometimes having to explain the cultural implications etc. I enjoy listening to his calm and low voice. You know when they say your voice is music to my ears? That's what's it's like listening to him. He has a bit of an accent from time to time making his speech even more melodic.

But more than that, the content of his speech is what makes me sit there and be absorbed in wonder. He offers the most profound ideas and yet remains humble despite the constant flooding of commendations and flattery.

I caught on his tell. Whenever he's flustered, he will stroke his Adam's apple or pull on his earlobe, playing with the hoop earrings he always have on. He will always respond modestly or push back the compliment.

After the meeting, he always lets the other party leave first which is convenient for me and allows me to pack up my things without needing to hurry. I have this unreasonable fear of having someone waiting on me. I get flustered and take even longer than I would've if I didn't have anyone waiting. We've only had to leave early once which was our first meeting cause they scheduled themselves too tightly. Minho approached me at the end of that to try and adjust their schedules so they can take their meetings more leisurely. I had to cancel some of them and book it for video conference if possible. It's a lot of work at the start but the pay off in the long run is better.

When we do a video conference I usually dial us in and pretty much "host" it to introduce myself to the other party, start the meeting and conclude it too. I will mostly be at their hotel from morning till late afternoon. We've become pretty familiar and comfortable with each other having to work together almost everyday. We will order in from one of the local favourite eateries so they can still enjoy the local flavours. At times it's just me and Yoongi. We often just talk about work. Or some random trivia. Nothing personal. I realise he's a very private person and I guess I'm the same. 

But Minho is another story. 

And today is that day. 

 We're just sitting around the kitchen island, Minho on my left and Yoongi by the edge of the kitchen island. I'm happily stuffing my face with Pizza from Carlo's Pizzeria and Minho is on his second slice.

"So Ellie-ssi do you have a boyfriend?"

I almost choked. It was so out of the blue and I looked up to see if he's joking. He wasn't. Normally Yoongi would jump in when Minho asks these type of personal questions but it's obvious he's enjoying his pizza too much that he's not paying attention. Can't blame him though. Carlo's cheese pizza is the best.

"Uhmmm no I don't."

"Not even dating anyone? Or like someone?" He quizzed.

"Not really. I've been set up by my friends before with some guys but I guess I'm just not ready you know.." I trailed off not wanting to go back to my thing.

"What do you mean not ready?" Minho won't let this go.

"I mean you know how I lost my memory from before right?" He nodded, Yoongi now seem to be paying attention. "I just feel like I need to focus on myself more and really try to find who I am now but you know still hoping to get back my past. I feel like once I get there I'll be ready to carry on with another human being to care for.."

"Oh it's been 2 years but still?"

I paused at this thought. Is that too long? Am I really not ready or am I just stalling? Am I just afraid?

"Hmmm.. to be honest I'm not sure. Maybe I'm ready. I don't know maybe when the right guy comes I'll know."

"That's right. You'll know it. When I met my wife I knew it."

"Oh I didn't know you're married. And that's sweet. Must be love at first sight."

"No it was fist at first sight. She hit me right in my nose when she thought I was staring at her breast. I was just curious what her lanyard says then suddenly her fist comes flying. And yeah that's when I knew I want a strong woman like her as my wife. I'm not a fighter so she needs to protect herself!"

We all laughed at this. I was waiting for Yoongi to share his status but it was almost time to go. 

Minho's phone rang "Speaking of.." showing his phone to us 'Yeobo' and a smiling woman's face on the screen. 

We waved him off to take it and I started to clean up. Yoongi never cleans up after himself I noticed. He'll happily set up or I suppose cook but I've never seen him clean up so I was surprised when he started helping. I grabbed the pizza box and I was going to put the left overs in the oven when he started to follow me, left over garlic bread in hand and opened the oven door for me. He grabbed a paper towel to clean up the crumbs and threw it out in the bin next to the sink where I was washing my hands. He was soon next to me washing his hands too. I can see his delicate fingers covered in foam. His one hand can drown my whole hand and I had a sudden urge to take his hand and see if I was right. He pushed the nozzle towards me and turned it on to rinse my hand. The warm water snapping me out of it. After I finished, I pushed it back to him so he can rinse as well. And for reasons unknown to me I flicked my hands to his face, getting him wet. I stood there in shock at what I just did but when I see his mischievous smile I knew it was ok. He then proceeded to do the same but I quickly ducked and avoided getting wet. We were laughing so hard at this point like kids squealing in the playground. He put some water in his hand again and before I can get away, he already grabbed me by my waist locking me in his arms, against his chest and swiped my whole face.

"No! My make up!" I looked up at him and his face was frozen. I took my chance to get away and grabbed the nozzle, water still running and pointed it at him, drenching his shirt. He was in shock. "Oh my gosh im so sorry! Why didn't you move away!" I was almost out of breathe laughing at this situation.

"I didn't know you'd do that!" He was catching his breathe too and in shock at the ridiculousness of all this.

"I'm sorry, here." I handed him a kitchen towel to dry himself as I started to dab on my face with a paper towel too. I grabbed a few paper towels myself to help him dry his face. Our eyes met and his usual piercing gaze is replaced with a gentle one coupled with a soft smile across his lips.

"You're crazy." He smirked shaking his head probably still can't believe what just happened.

"Must be the amnesia." I countered in a sing-song. I don't know but I feel comfortable sharing him this piece of me.

I suddenly became aware of the proximity of our bodies. His body heat radiating on to me, making me all warm. I start to pull away when his hand found his way on mine and start to take control where I dry him. On his neck, down his collarbone and on his chest. Our gaze not breaking as if we're in a trance.

Minho yells out from the office calling out to us. I let go of his hand.

"Let's go! We'll be late."

I turned my back and took a breath as I was holding my breath all this time. He closely followed, shirt still wet and myself also wet somewhere other than my face. 

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