T is for Trauma

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Agent Chase paces back and forth with his hand to his lips. Agents Stone, Iarami, Mr. Payne, and I all follow his movements with our eyes.

"So let me get this straight, you're trying to tell me that you didn't see the painting in the hall. You just took it and assumed it was the right one," He looks over at Mr. Payne and me with an eyebrow raised. I nod slightly, and he continues.

"And then when you were in the gas station, the thieves from the museum kidnapped you, took you to the Old..." He let his sentence trail off, letting me fill it in.

"The Old Franklin Park Zoo bear pens," Mr. Payne answers for me, standing up. Agent Chase repeats his answer in a mumble and then proceeds with our story.

"Which you," He turns to Payne, "just so happened to be passing by."

"Yes, I was there for a," Payne clears his throat, "meeting."

"I see," Agent Chase says sarcastically. He looks at the other two, who glance at us.

"And you found him bloodied and beaten for information. And correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't the leader of the group blind?"

"He had a knife, David." I glare at Agent Chase, gripping the sides of the table I was sitting on. "And not to mention, there were three other men," I continue to defend myself. Chase just nods and keeps pacing.

"And you expect us to believe you?" Chase finally asks, stopping to stare at us.

"Well, I'd sure like you to," I cough, sliding off the table. Or else I just got my ass handed to me for nothing.

"I'd like to as well, Baby, but you see how it looks, right?" Chase asks with slight heartache in his voice.

"It looks," I pause to let out a small cough, "like I'm bleeding and bruised, and I got your painting back."

"Wha-" Agent Chase starts with a frown. I pull the rolled up Rouen Cathedral out of my jacket and hand it over. Mr. Payne looks stunned and betrayed, and I wink at him before Agent Chase looks back up. The expression is quickly wiped off of his face, and Chase looks from the painting to me, the painting to me several times before rolling it back up and sliding it in the plastic sheet. I had made a copy of the artwork earlier, and that is what I give.

"Did you find out anything about them?" He demands, standing up straight.

"No. Unfortunately, they were too busy pummeling me and asking questions to let anything slip," I lie, ignoring the watching eyes of Mr. Payne.

"Did they find out anything about us?" He tilts his head with suspicion.

"No, my lips are sealed." I make a zipper motion on my mouth and put my hands behind my back.

"Well, it's a good thing Payne found you then, because I don't think we could do this next one without you," Agent Chase keeps an expressionless face and leaves the small temperature-controlled room, followed by the other two agents who flash a quick smile at me before leaving behind him. Agent Iarami pauses for a moment and turns back to me.

"He missed you," She says, then follows her colleagues out the door. I turn around to Mr. Payne and motion for him to follow us. He grumbles but stands up and walks out of the room. Chase, Stone, and Iarami are all standing around Agent Omaldo, talking in hushed tones.

"Agent Omaldo! Miss me?" I ask, arms outstretched.

"To be honest, no. What do you know about El Chupacabra?" She deadpans, looking me in the eye. Her question stops me in my tracks.

"El Chupacabra? He's a myth. An urban legend made up by thieves and terrorists to avoid jail time," I explain, crossing my arms.

"Hell, even I've used him from time to time," Payne chuckles, walking past me to the middle of the group.

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