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A few weeks after Cuba I've started my internship with the Metropolitan thanks to a very kind note from the executive curator of the Louvre Museum in Paris. The Met staff ate that up and granted me the internship almost immediately.

Now that things are finally settling down, I'm able to cash in the dinner Ma offered me in exchange for a visit up to her new house with her new boyfriend. Carla is coming too and bringing Kiwi, which made Ma pester me about being a college boy and not having a date to bring to the family dinner.

"Listen, Ma, I've been kind of busy with the whole 'saving the art world' stuff. Can I get some slack on this one?" I inquire, closing my laptop and standing up from the couch.

"I don't care who you bring, just bring someone. You'll embarrass me!" She whines, the fervid chopping sounds coming from the other line growing more violent.

"Anyone?" I ask, a sly grin spreading across my face.

"Yes, Bambino. And don't be late! I'll kill you if I have to," She threatens, but I know she's joking.

"Well, since I'm not in the dying mood today I'll set an alarm. I'll see you soon. Love you, Ma. Ciao," I prepare to hang up the phone.

"Ciao, mio Bambino. Bring a date!" She exclaims, her last words cut off as I press the red button at the bottom of the screen. Taking a deep breath, I stare at the phone in my hand, debating between who to bring so that Ma won't throw a fit. I let my head sway back and forth while I attempt to make a decision. An idea comes to me, and I throw up my hands, wondering how I could be so stupid. I pull up my contacts and make a call.

"Hey, would you want to go to a family dinner with me tonight?" I inquire, grinning as I await the other person's answer.

"So, you got a house on the big island. I like it," I compliment Ma's new house and help her set the tables, "you know, when you said a big dinner, I thought you meant gnocchi and Rigo Jancsi; I didn't know you were throwing a party. How'd you even afford all this?"

"Tom's been taking care of me. I don't have to work those long shifts at the hospital anymore, and I was promoted," My mom beams, cheeks going red when she mentions her boyfriend, "and this is a housewarming party, not your dinner. You can't get out of visiting me that easily,"

"Congratulations, Ma. So his name's Tom, huh? I might have to have a talk with this 'Tom' guy," I pretend to look around for him, popping my knuckles. Ma hits my shoulder, and I stop craning my neck.

"Don't bully him, Baby," She commands, "he's a good man."

"I'm not gonna bully him, Ma," I laugh, then add, "just threaten him, maybe rough him up a little bit."

"Should I be worried?" A voice comes from behind me, and I whip around, hands flying into a defensive position. I realize this must be Tom and I quickly let one hand drop and extend the other to shake his.

"Not unless you do anything to hurt my mom," I say with a chuckle, but tighten my grip to show that I'm not joking.

"Oh, wow, uh, you've got quite the grip!" He laughs, a nervous grin on his face as he twists his whole upper body with his wrist.

"Thanks," I sneer.

"Baby!" An excited voice calls, and I recognize it immediately. I drop Tom's hand with four yellow-white finger marks that will probably take a while to disappear.

"Romeo!" I exclaim, kneeling down so my little brother can give me a hug, but in a flash, he tackles me to the ground, wailing on my shoulder.

"Woah there, champ! Take it easy!" I laugh, putting up my hands in surrender.

The Silver Serpent - A Heist NovelWhere stories live. Discover now