Prt 1 - The First Edition

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Hey guys! These stories really stood out for me and a few made me emotional! I'll be adding stories as I go along. All the stories are on wattpad unless I say otherwise.


1) My Fair Lady

By: beautifulatsunrise

Description: Basically your typical romance. Main character is Juliet Rosewood(this has nothin to do with Romeo and Juliet) and her best friends have a crush on her. Her sister is a jealous pretty girl she lives with her stepmother and is quite plain in appearance. She eventually gets married, but she is under the constant threat of death, because someones trying to kill her.

I totally love this one, its fab!


2) Letters

By: Jane_Inkspell

This a short story about a girl who loves a guy, and the guy seems really put down, so she writes letters to cheer him up. In time, he falls in love with the person who writes the letters, but doesn't know who she is. Then theres a rumor that this other girl is writing them, and she gladly accepts that she is, even though shes not. So he ends up falling for the wrong girl, bit the real writer doesn't say anything to him because she loves to see him happy. Im not telling you the ending, but it's really sweet. Give it a go!


3) Cinderella

By: JenniJames

Retelling of Cinderella, but the formats different. Not a modern setting. Has its own twist and plot , made me melt inside.


4) Rumplestiltskin

By: JenniJames

Retelling of the original story, but way different. Own plot, setting, characters, totally redone, different from the fairytale.


5) Harry Potter Letters

By: TheTicklingCrocodile

Buch of sweet letters between the Harry Potter characters. Can be to anyone. Really sweet and heart warming.


6) Deorwynn

By: 153alira

Lord of the Rings fanfic. Legolas love story. NOT A MARY SUE. Deorwynn is Boromir and Faramir's sister, and accompanies the fellowship on the quest. Legolas and her become friends and he helps her get on after Boromir's death. Its a bit long, but its so well written that I had to put it up here.

Ahh, its complete! Sorry for that mistake! Theres a mini sequel so watch out for that!

It's found on, or you can get the Fanfiction app for free on the appstore.


Hope you give these ones a shot :) Vote comment and fan :)

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